20: A Blessing and a Curse

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'How's he doing?' I sat up as soon as Dr Robbins entered the room.
'Jackson's surgery went super well,' she smiled, 'The interns are patching him up, and providing there are no unforeseen issues, he should start regaining vision in about three days.'
I breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and allowed my mind to turn to other things. 'The intern who was supposed to take me to meals never came,' I said, irritably, 'I got one of the nurses to give me her apple, but I've missed breakfast and lunch and I'm too headachy to push myself around.'
Arizona's face clouded over. 'Gomez?'
'Yeah I think. The little Latina one? I just thought because I can't eat tomorrow 'cause of surgery...'
But she had already stormed off. My head started pounding and I buzzed for a nurse.

A few minutes later, Dr Gomez scuttled in and began to help me into my wheelchair. I was lowering myself in when
'A-a-ah!' I whispered, 'My head, my head, my head!'
A nurse immediately came to Gomez's aid as they helped me back into the bed and another intern went to fetch Robbins, who was in the next room.

I woke up drowsy and confused on the operating table.
'Okay, Lola, sweetie,' Dr Robbins whispered, 'You're gonna be just fine, but you've got some head trouble so we're gonna sort that out for you. It's gonna take a few hours so it'll be dark when you wake up, don't worry about that. Okay?'
'Y-yeah,' I squeaked, before the oxygen mask was placed over my face. My final thought was thank goodness I wasn't in the large proportion of brain patients who needed awake surgery.

I woke up fortunately only worried about the shaved patch of hair they'd used to get to my brain.
I looked up to see Dr Robbins and Dr Grey looking very solemn.
'Am I okay?' I asked, trying to sound calm but failing, due to their stressed faces, 'I feel okay. Am I-'
'You're totally fine,' Dr Grey said, 'You need some scans, but you'll be good.'
'So what's the problem?'
'Um, so...' Dr Robbins looked at a file, 'It's Jackson. He's getting his sight back, for sure, although he can't see much now, but...'
'But what?'
'There was some damage to his brain stem and cerebellum. He's going to, um, have some trouble with some basic functions-'
'What do you mean? Can he walk? Talk? Is it permanent?'
'We don't know how long it'll last, although we think some will be permanent.'
'What's wrong with him?' I was sitting upright and starting to cry now, and a nurse pushed me down into my bed.
'Possible symptoms include breathing problems, slurred or slow speech, insomnia, lack of balance, tremors, and, um, the inability to walk.'
'He's what?' Tears were silently rolling down my face.
'These are all just possibilities!' Dr Grey cut in, 'None of these are certain, and he can see again.'
I shook my head, but this hurt and I moaned quietly. A nurse gave me a drink and I noticed how many wires were in me.
'Are you sure I'm okay?'
'Yes. Very.'
'Is he going to be okay?'
'I don't know sweetie,' Dr Grey frowned and patted my shoulder. I flinched, and she pulled away.

I hate hospitals.

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