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I wish to share one message, one word
It's involuntary now
We do it like our hearts beat
We hurt others and we don't even know it
The bruise will heal but the mind never will
So I tell you now
Take a step back
Look what society has became
Suicide is the 3rd cause of death
And if we don't stop now it will become number one
I'm a bully, a bystander, and a victim all the same
I've watched from all angles
The bullies don't know, don't understand, and don't care
The bystanders are scared, mad, and confused
The victims are sad, frightened, and hurt
Think about it
We're all hurt, worried, and struggling
We must work together and stand up
So stop hurting others
Stop watching others be hurt
And stop letting yourself be hurt
So my message, one simple word

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