Dear girls that make me cry

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Dear girls that make me cry
Do you feel guilty?
I don't think you get it
I cry because of you
You tease me and spread rumors that aren't true
Dear girls that make me cry
If I told you my grandmother is in the hospital
Would you stop for just one day?
What if I told you about the pain in my feet, how it sometime hurts to breath
Would you leave me alone?
Dear girls that make me cry
Why do you do it?
Are you jealous?
Hurting too?
Or just plain mean?
Dear girls that make me cry
How are you never caught
You plot right next to teachers
Do they not know?
Or do they just not care?
So Dear girls that make me cry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for whatever I did
I don't get it though
But if you don't like me I must have done something
So I'm sorry

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