Definations of Important Words

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:  a blustering browbeating person; especially :  one habitually cruel to others who are weaker

:  one present but not taking part in a situation or event :  a chance spectator

: a person who has been attacked, injured, robbed, or killed by someone else

These are definitions of the words that have become so important to me

I've been all three of these things

I was a bully when I was younger, and I regret it deeply

I was and some days still am a bystander, I know I should try not to be

And I'm a victim, yet I'm not because others have it worse

These  words are important to me

Yet I wish they would be banned

If bullies didn't exist the word wouldn't be needed, neither would the words bystander or victim

But bullies do exist as do these words

I can mark over the words

Block the site

Or rip the pages out

But it won't help

These words will always be around

Unless we change it

Unless we stop this epidemic

We must work together and stop this

It will be hard

But what isn't

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