Needs a title

17 5 1

Theres a girl I know
She's in pain
But won't let anyone know
She hides it so well

She used to have a bright smile
A twinkle in her eyes
Tons of friends
Now that's all gone

She walks into school with her head held low
For she's too afraid to look another in the eyes
She's scared of the halls for she always gets hurt
She's fearsome of the teachers that only  yell

At night she has two voices that speak to her
One whispers to her not to worry, not to cry, it will all be alright
But it's over powered by the other that screams;
They hate you, give up, you deserve it

Never sure witch to listen to she can never sleep
Stays awake and thinks
It's not wise for her to think
For thinking brings thoughts, bad thoughts

Go die
Everyone hates you
No one cares
Just give up

Shes fighting two battles
One with the bullies
And one with herself
She's not sure she can win either

I know this very well
I know her fears
I know her battles
I've heard the voices

I'm her

Poetry About A GirlDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora