I was right... You dont care

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I was right
I knew it wouldn't last long
I knew you really didn't care
I don't get why

You said you loved it
You said you wanted to help
You said you would be there
You said you weren't annoyed

I was dumb enough to believe you
Dumb enough to think you really cared
Dumb to believe you would wanna talk
Dumb to think you could help me

I guess now I can do something stupid
I know you wouldn't care
You would talk to the next girl for a week and be done
You would forget about me

You probably won't read this
You're too busy I guess
You're profile was right
You are arrogant

How did I think a 15 year old boy would want to talk to a lonely 13 year old
How did I think I could trust you
How did I think you could help
How did I think we were alike

You said you had stuff in real life
Well guess what I'm real
I have a pulse
I'm human you know

I want to hate you
But I can't
You're all I had
Someone to talk too

So we didn't talk for a minute
We talked for a week
A great week
That has come to an end

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