My life..

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I won't look people in their eyes
I come to class and sit in the back
Answering questions with a question though I know I'm right
I sit with my knees to my chest and my hair hiding my face

I listen while they talk about me
Spreading rumors, None of it is true
The teacher either doesn't notice or just doesn't care
I don't wanna go to school any more
My one friend is never there

Please help me, I'm begging you
Get me out of this place
The teachers all hate me for I lie and pretend I don't know when I do
And the students think me weird and say I'm a waste of space

I plaster on a smile and pretend it doesn't bother me
But the second I get home I cry my eyes out
It hurts to think the friends I once had hate me
I guess it's easier for them to pretend they don't know me
Then it is for them to stick by me

Everyday I wake up dreading school
I wish I cold forever sleep
I don't cut or burn but I still hurt
I don't hate myself
Just the life I have to live

Poetry About A GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora