There once was a girl

154 17 20

There once was a girl
She was shy and insecure
She tried her hardest to fit in
All she wanted was friends
She'd watch the popular kids
The girl thought that that no one cared about her
That no one would ever want to be her friend
That she would never blend in
She thought she had to change herself
She never raised her hand or even talked
The girl would never smile at school
She would go home and count off the days till summer
And she would wake up up the next morning dreading school
I know all this because that girl was me
I was shy and insecure
I tried my hardest to fit it
All I wanted was friends
I would watch the popular kids
I thought know one cared about me
I thought I would never blend in
I thought I had to change myself
I never raised my hand or even talked
I would never smile at school
I would go home and count off the days till summer
I would wake up dreading school that day
But I realized somthing
I realized that I wasn't happy
I wasn't trying hard enough
I realized I didn't have to fit in
I just had to be me
I tried my hardest to be me
I made a friend who cares
I smiled and talked at school
I realized that I didn't fit in
But that was fine with me

Poetry About A GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang