It's not my fault

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I get the call

I barely heard what the man said

I dropped the phone 

When I heard you were dead

Your face was on the news

Sucide written next to it

My mother told me to sit

She gave me a speech but I couldn't hear

How did I not know

That you were in so much pain

My tears fell as hard as rain

I thought it was me 

I should have said something

Told you not to go

You just felt so low

I'm sorry

We barley talked anymore

We just grew apart I guess

I didn't know our friendship would create such a mess

I miss you

You wrote me a letter

It came one day too late

Maybe that was just fate

I should have called

I won't do it now

I've seen the pain in your mother's eyes

I'm not going to tell mine lies

I wish you could come back 

You should have given life another chance

You could have put up a fight

Things would have been alright 

But it's too late 

I tried too apologize to your family

They said to it wasn't my fault

But it still hurt as bad as falling on asphalt  

I think I've got it now though

It had nothing to do with me 

I couldn't have help if I tried

My eyes have dried

I'm ready now to speak my truth

I hurt you

But you hurt me worse

It's like out frienship was some kind of curse

I'll miss you but its not my fault

I can't blame myself

We were no longer friends

I'm looking at the world though a different lens

You taught me somthing

 So Thank you 

I know now what not to do

I'll miss you my friend

Poetry About A GirlWhere stories live. Discover now