What others see

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So this weekend I asked around. I asked what other people thought of me.  This is what I got. I put the words into a poem. My mom hated it, my teacher said it wasn't a poem, and my brother made a total mockery of it. So comment. Vote. And follow. And I really do like when people comment grammar and spelling suggestions so don't be afraid. Thanks.

I asked my family what they thought of me
I asked them what they see
Some of the responses were happy
Others sincere but sappy

My sister called me a lover of animals, intelligent, and beautiful
To me these words were special and truthful
My brother called me annoying three times
I'll be sure to no longer cover up his crimes

My father called me pretty, studious, and smart
But for some reason these words didn't seem to come from the heart
My friend called me one in need of confidence, a deep thinker, and a fighter
She thinks these things and only knows me as a writer

My mother called me one of integrity, gorgeous, and pure hearted
All of these things are things that she started
I realized there was still someone I hadn't asked
But I'm glad I asked them last

I thought and I thought
With my mind I fought
But I found three
Three things that stand out to me

I am a Christian
I believe I am here on a mission
I pray and pray
That everything will be okay

I am a dreamer
I dream of things I read, for I am a reader
I dream for a great future life
Where I'm happy and cut out all bad things like a knife

I am a loner
And as for my happiness, I am the only owner
I choose to have few friends
Instead of a bunch of bad ones that only follow the latest trends

I learned what others thought of me
I learned what they see
And I also learned what I thought of me
What I see

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