Dear Daddy

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Dear daddy
To me you gave dark brown hair
And the long legs other girls desire
To me you gave iPads
And any toy I had ever wished for
To me you gave letters
And gift cards within them
But thirteen years ago you Stood
You looked at a judge and a said
I don't care for the girl, I just want my son
I found out about that
I found out that 3 years ago
3 years ago we stopped talking
3 years ago you stopped sending stuff
3 years ago I started my death
People ask me why I dislike myself  so much
Maybe it's cause my own father didn't want me
In your mind I'm weak
I can't carry more then twenty pounds
But I'm stronger then you
I have passion
I can put up a fight
So dear daddy
Do you see me now
Do you see a girl that's putting up a fight
A fight against herself
Dear daddy
Why didn't you want me
You wanted him
You fought for him
Am I not enough
Dear daddy you never write me back
But if you do can you answer my burning question
Dear daddy
Why don't you want me

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