Its a new year

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It's a new year
Another year with tears
The clock will strike twelve
Will this year be same?
Will I still be bullied?
Will terrists still hurt us?
Who will be the president?
Who will I be?
Will I still be the girl
Who sits in the back
And says three words
Who will you be?
Will you meet your goals ?
Will you get stronger?
Will your life be happier?
I hope mine will
In this new year I hope to make a friend
A true one
In this new year I hope to tell her to stop
In this new year I hope to become a new me
A better me
I'll start Highschool this year
I'll be fourteen
I'll still have the same eyes and hair
But I'll have different heart
A different soul
I'll learn more
I'll hear more
I'll be more in this new year
I've been kinda busy lately but I'm back now. Please comment and vote if you wish; it means the world to me. 4 more minutes here. Happy New Years!!!

Poetry About A GirlHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin