Were too late

170 22 30

I run the blade across my skin
I feel the pain and anger from within
I see blood but gone I wish it not
There's a pounding on the door that I choose to ignore
I wish myself dead
I look up and see the face of friend
A friend that died a loseme death
Inside her bathroom and laid to rest
I decide at this moment it's not worth it
I don't want be another story, a face on tv
I clean the cuts and put up a shield
I walk out the door but it seems unreal
My family looks at me strange
They speak but I cannot hear
I walk to my room and lock the door
I look to the ceiling there is my friend
She's waving to me
I tell her real quick "stop we can fix it"
But I know I'm lying for she replies with a "you're to late"
I scream up in anguish
My family runs in
I yell at them why and close my eyes
I'm being shaken and  talked too
I  look up and there is my friend
I smile but she frowns before saying
" It was I who was too late"

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