What do I want to do?

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I don't think this is poem but here you go:
What do you want to do?
I don't know
You don't know?
Does it matter
You should have a plan
I don't know what I want to be
A vet maybe
Or doctor perhaps
A scientist would be cool
Or a writer if I was good enough
I don't know
I don't know what I want to be
But I know who I want to be
I want to be kind
I want be strong
I want to be happy
I want to be me
I don't want to be judged by my job
Or the one I chose to marry
Forget the color of my hair
Or my deep golden eyes
I want to be labeled for what's on the inside
So what do I want to be?
Well I don't know
Maybe just a good person in society
I don't need to be rich
Or married
I can just be me
I can ajust be who I hope is the future me
Out going
So I guess I do know
I know what I want to be
I want to be
How do I say it
I want to be
The perfect person
Wait that's impossible
I want to be imperfectly imperfect
Forget the high class job
With the suits or scrubs
If I'm wearing a smile
Then jeans and a t-shirt will do
So I simple terms I wish to just be happy
That's the job in life
But it's hard to be
So I'll try repeatedly
Eventually I hope
Scratch that
I will be happy

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