Snow is Peace

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The sky and ground,
Both painted white
The snowflakes falling,
It's quite a sight
No others here,
The world is quiet
The fights on pause,
The tv doesn't show a riot
No laughs,or cars,
not a single bird
No sound can be heard
So for a second,
It's just the snow and I
But soon we will,
Have to say good bye
The snow will melt,
It won't be long
It can't stay,
It doesn't belong
The world is to currpt,
The snow will not last
It will melt,
It will melt fast
The snow is peace,
It puts problems on pause
At one point it was perfect,
It had no flaws
But the world is fighting,
And snow won't stop it
The snow will melt,
Like a fire had been lit
And the world will
The countries will call
Fire away
But the snow is here now,
Let us enjoy this peace
For once it melts,
The worlds anger will increase

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