Chapter One : The Mysterious Boy

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I was awoken by the sound of shouting. 'Good morning!' shouted Mabel from across the room.

She was staring out the window. 'What are you looking at?' I asked while getting out of bed.

'I don't know. Soos and Grunkle Stan seen to be looking at a weird looking metal box shaped building. ' she said as she squinted through the window. I took a look. It was a metallic square structure stood in front of the Shack. It could probably fit a human if someone stood inside.  I quickly rushed outside, grabbing my vest before darting out.

'Hey, wait for me!' Mabel exclaimed as she ran after me.

I ran up to the box. 'Woah. What is this?' I asked upon reaching there. 'I don't know, dude. It seems to be some sort of metal outhouse or something. It sort of mysteriously showed up in front of the Shack this morning.' Soos explained. 'What could it be?' I thought to myself.

Mabel ran towards us. She was panting heavily. 'Looks won....whew...' she said. 'I had to grab Waddles. ' she said as she held Waddles up. 'You ran after me while carrying a pig?' I asked, stunned. 'What can I say? I have strong arms!' said Mabel and flexed, showing no muscle.

Mabel placed Waddles next to the totem that was next to the odd building. Suddenly, some noise was heard. "What is that sound?" I asked no one in particualr. "I think someone's coming!" Soos said, backing away from it. "From where? That thing could barely fit both of us." Suddenly, the door slammed open, spilling bright white light from the opening. We shielded our eyes.

A person emerged from the box. 'Ahh, Gravity Falls. Finally.' the person said. It sounded rather young. A boy, slightly taller than me stepped out of the box. 'What? Wh..who are you?' I asked. He looked at me.

'Eh?' he said as he cocked his head. He was wearing a red and black leather jacket .The jacket wasn't zipped up, so we could see his white t-shirt underneath . He was wearing a pitch black pair of pants and matching leather shoes.

The boy looked around. His blood-shot red eyes gleamed when he saw the Mystery Shack.'Oh! How convenient! I'll just waltz on my way!' he exclaimed. He literally waltzed his way there. "Who the heck is he?" I asked Mabel. "Mabel?" I asked, turning towards her. She was staring at him creepily. " Uh-oh. You're making the goo-goo eyes again. Thats not good." I pointed out.

The boy was almost at the door when Stan showed out of nowhere and blocked his way. 'Whoa, kid. What do you think you're doing?' said Stan. The boy looked at him. He smiled. 'I'm going to enter the Mystery Shack. Here, have a reward.' he said as he handed out money to Stan. 'Works for me!' Stan said.

I watched him enter the Shack. "I can tell today is going to be interesting." Mabel said.


Hey guys! I'll be posting two parts per week and...hold on I'm going to do a bit of math around 9 weeks which is around two months. This will be done in hopefully, two months. The reason I'm posting two parts is because I can't wait to post these up! I'm already halfway done with chapter eleven! Just a fact : There are going to be sequels or prequels to this story, so it's like, tied together instead of separate. Shout out to Ender Heart Studios for chatting with me on the YouTube comments right now XD.

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