Chapter Six : Bill

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Who knew Bill still had a sense of 'normal' sense of humor? 'Mabel, why isn't that obviously scary to you?' I asked, ready to bolt. 'I tend to think to the brighter side of things!' she answered cheerfully. 'Oh, yeah. Right.' I replied.

'Hahaha!' laughed the entity. 'By-the-by, trying to get the teeth through here?' asked the entity. I took a few steps back. 'Wh..what? Heheh, what do you mean?' I asked, trying not to reveal the secret.

The figure began to shine brighter. 'Oh, you mean you're trying to hide it, eh?' it asked. It shimmered and changed its shape. Into a triangular shape.

'Ugh, Bill, what do you want from us?' I asked, annoyed. Bill always has his trick up his...hat? I'm not really sure. Cane? Whatever.

'Oh, me? I'm just checking on your progress. Also, you do know that they remove all teeth from the bodies before burying them, right?' Bill said. 'Well, uh.' I said. "Its hilarious!' Bill said.

'Well, I better get going! Tick-tock! You're lucky I gave you a week. Wow. I should've gave you, like, an hour or something. That would've been fun. Remember—' said Bill. 'Not this again.' Mabel said. 'Trust no one, time is a waste of time, the circle is unbalanced, BYE!' said Bill, rapidly.

'Wait, Bill said something different that time.' I pointed out. Mabel said it was just a joke.

Just a joke...Bill loves joking, but he is practically a living million piece jigsaw puzzle. He could joke, but he loves to give advice or warning in a code form.

He can say things backwards flawlessly, which, personally, I think is a talent. He can also say things in the form of a riddle. Well, I guess Cipher has his ways.

'So..uh, where else do we find teeth?' I asked Mabel. 'I guess we'll just have to rip them out of people's mouths! That can be lots and lots of fun!' Mabel replied.

I don't think she was being sarcastic.

'We need to find some sort of loophole or something. This is impossible!' I said, giving up.

'Aww, cheer up, Dipper! Let's go visit civilization to take your mind off of things. Now where did I keep my Fun Stick?' said Mabel, in efforts of cheering me up.

I sure did need to get it off my worries. It's not like we're going to die. We were going to die! Oh, who was I kidding? We had one week to collect a barrel of teeth.

Wait...that was it! 'Mabel! I may have found a way to trick Bill! He didn't state how big the barrel had to be! We could put one tooth in a tiny barrel!' I stated.

'Now that's my brother! Come on, let's go! I know where to find one.' said Mabel.


Apparently this chapter is longer than the last one. Weird, huh.

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