Chapter Sixteen : Just Waiting

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Mabel's P.O.V

I sat next to Dipper. Lily had brought him to a room where she healed him—well, treated him I guess. As it turns out, he hit his head on the wall pretty hard. His back may hurt a bit...a lot. The good news is he didnt break any bones...any important ones at least.
She had bandaged his head and gave him some medicine. She said he would be all right in the morning.
I sighed and drooped my head. I heard the door open and close. "Mabel? Are you alright?" a girl said. I turned to look at her. "Im fine, Lily. Just worried about Dipper." I replied.
She took a stool that was on the other side of the bed and dragged it next to me and proceeded to sit down. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I was just checking on you." she replied. "Well then, why didn't you leave yet?" I asked. "Well, lets just say its not everyday we have visitors." Lily answered. We sat there not uttering a single word, and sitting still for a few moments.
"Why dont we have a little chat? Strike up a lovely conversation while we wait? I dont want to be a statue for the next few hours." Lily said, breaking the akward silence. I looked at her. "Who uses 'little chat' and 'lovely conversation' anymore? What, are you a Brit?" I asked, giggling. "Well, I'm not related to Britain or fancy tea and crumpets for tea! I am absolutely infuriated!" she said, trying to impersonate the British accent and failing miserabally.
I snickered at first, but that only resulted in the both of us laughing realy hard. Suddenly, the door opened. "If you're not busy laughing your asses off, we've got work to do." Ash said.

Lily's P.O.V

We've got alot to explain to them. Who we were, why we were here, what is this place and whats going on.
Mabel was a fun person. She reminded me sister. Jennifer. "Remember, this mission is for her and mother. No one must know." I thought.

Dipper's P.O.V

"Tick Tock, kid." said Bill. "I know!" I shouted into the fog. I had been in some sort of ghost town since Bill blasted me with that fireball. I kept walking. "You've got nothing." Bill said. "Where am I? Show yourself!" I shouted to the sky. Bill appeared in front of me. "Its over. I won. Wake up."
I woke with a start. I was on a bed in a room with stone walls. My head was aching like I ate 10 packets of SmileDip at once. I touched it, and realised it was bandaged.
I tried to sit up, but my back hurt equally as much as my head. I ignored the pain and struggled to sit up. "Argh!" I screamed as I sat up. Panting heavily, I looked around more clearly.
There was a coffee table on the right side of the bed and on the right side was two stools next to each other. I was about to get out of bed when the door burst open. Mabel,came rushing in followed by a girl. "Dipper! Stay in bed!" Mabel said hurriedly and pushed me down. "What? Whats going on? Why am I here? Where is 'here'?" I asked just as quickly.
"You're safe now. Bill struck you with a fireball—," Mabel said. "You dont say." I mumbled in between the two words. "—and Lily here healed you. Well, sort of, I guess." she finished. I looked at Lily and she looked at me.
I gazed at her. "Wow...shes so pretty..." I thought. "Have I got something on my face?" she asked. "Yes. Your beautiful—I..I mean Nothing. Theres nothing...its nothing. Really." I quickly corrected myself.
"Okay, I'll meet you guys outside later. Take the wheelchair, Dipper." Lily said, pointing at a wheelchair which was next to the door and proceeded to walk out.
The moment the door slammed shut, Mabel let out an excited squeal. "YOU'RE IN LOVE AGAIN!" LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE" Mabel screamed, jumping up and down. "Mabel, quiet!" I said. She stopped jumping and shouting, but she was shaking in excitement. "Oh boy." I said to myself. "You're in love with Lily, you're in love with Lily!" she sang softly. "This is going to be a problem." I said internally.

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