Chapter Nineteen : Decipher The Cipher

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"Looking for the Decommon? Tough luck. You're going to have to get through me." Tad said, floating higher. We drew our weapons. "Oh, you're prepared. But outmatched."
He threw a barrage of fireballs. We dodged them. I deflected a few with my sword. He was floating too high in the air. Mabel fired a few arrows, but Tad was too quick. He flicked his hand to the right, flinging bricks off the wall and to us. We ducked. He saw that as an oppurtunity to strike. He created a blue flaming chain out of nowhere and lashed at us. Ashton pinned the chain to the  with his sword before it could touch us. He grabbed his throwing knifes and threw it at Tad. He dodged one, then as Ash threw the next one he quickly grabbed his final one and threw it. Tad dodged the next one, but didnt see the other one coming. It struck him next to his eye. Mabel shot him a few times and hit. He screamed in pain, and floated down. I ran towards him and slashed. Another scream.
"Why is he in reality? I thought only Bill was?" I asked Ash. He made an 'I dont know' sound.
"Now what the heck is going on here?" Bill said, materialising next to Tad.
"Uh-oh." I said.
"Is this what I think it is? A few people breaking into my castle? And for what reason? Deciphering the Cipher?" he said. "Go and suck a hard triangular shaped dick, Cipher." Ash said. Bill looked infuriated by that. "Whats a dick?" Mabel asked. "Shush!" Ash said.
"You've messed with the wrong demons. You guys are weak, so this'll be a cinch." he said excitedly. He grew bigger and bigger, untik he took half the size of the room. He shot a laser beam from his eye. We all jumped of the way of that death ray. Mabel shot an arrow and hit, but didnt do damage at all. Jim and that other guy attacked him, but to no avail. He lunged at them, crushing that other guy. "No! Whoever that guy was. Never knew his name. Thats a shame." Jim said. Ashton shot Bill with his Dematerialiser, but also in vain. "Dammit! He's unstoppable with the Decipher." Ash yelled at us. The castle shook. The walls started to break apart and the floor rumbled violently. "Get out!"
We tried to run out of the castle, but the door slammed shut. I tried to pull the door open, but it didnt budge. "It wont open!" I screamed over the sound of the crumbling building. "Break it, then!" Ash yelled. I kicked and slashed but the door was still intact. "I cant!" "For the love of God!" Ash said. He raised his butt-end of his sword, ready to bust the door open but suddenly, the ground dissolved around us and we fell.
It was dark. It was too dark.
We fell in a seemingly infinite abyss of darkness. Then I saw it. The ground rushed up to greet us, and I shut my eyes tight, waiting for death. When we hit, it didn't hurt at all. It just knocked the air out of my lungs. I struggled to get up, breathing heavily, getting air into my lungs.
Everyone else had the similar problem. After a while, everyone got to thier feet. "Where are we?" Mabel asked. I finally looked at our surroundings. We were surrouded by stone walls, corridors leading to the dark. They split into four directions. When I looked up, there was a ceiling. "Didnt we just fall here?" I said, pointing at the ceiling. "How ya feeling? Great? Because I know I am!" Bill's voice echoed through the halls. "Show yourself! Be a brave demon, you coward!" Ash yelled. "I'm not a coward, I'm smart. If you want to find me, you're going to have to go through my Maze of Nightmares." Bill replied. "Maze?" we all said at once. "I'm terrible at mazes." Ash said. "I'm good at mazes." I said. "You be our guide. Lead the way!" he said. "We follow the right wall. Always have your hands on the right wall." I said. We walked the first path first. It was pitch-black despite the random torches on the left wall every so often. Suddenly, we heard a noise. "That sounded like growling." Mabel said. "We've gotta be careful." I said, not looking forward. "Keep your eyes peeled for traps or something. Who knows what Bill meant by Maze of Nightma-" I said, before stepping of a ledge. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!" I screamed. "Dipper!" Mabel gasped. I leaned almost 90 degrees off the edge. Ashton grabbed my hand. It slipped, and it caused me to flip upside down. He quickly grabbed my feet. "Holy-" I screamed. "Pull me up, pull me up!" I shouted at Ash. "I'm....trying..." he said. With an extreme amont of strength, he pulled me up so hard, I literally got thrown up there. We were panting hard. "Why are you panting hard? I did... all the work." he said in between breaths. "That is none of your business." I said, jumping to my feet. "Are you okay?" Mabel asked. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Whatever happened to 'keep your eyes peeled' and 'be careful'?" she asked, giggling. My face probably flushed red. "Lets move on."
We continued to walk the endless corridors, turning right when the wall dissapears on our right. Then, we reached a room. "Well, well, well, so you actually did it." Bill said. "Wait, that was it?" Mabel asked. "Well, yes. I'm not very good at mazes. Now die a terrible horrible death, by none other than me myself. Haha! Here we go again" he said.. Bill grew an extra few arms and legs and increased in size. He swiped his hands at us and knocked us off our feet. "Ow." Ash said. He rolled to the left, avoiding a laser beam and stabbing him in the hand. Mabel fired a few arrows at Bill. Jim joined Ash and went about stabbing Bill. I saw something shiny under his hat. The Decipher? "Mabel! Shoot at the hat." I said. "I only have two arrows left!" she said. I knew what I had to do. I ran over to Ash, who was busy avoiding Bill's hand slams and laser beams. I nodded at Mabel. She shot Bill's hat, and sure enough, he stopped attacking Ash and Jim. I spun around, and grabbed Ash's sword whilst off guard and Jim's as well. I threw one sword on Bill's back, then climbed on it. I stabed the next, and so on, making my way up. The cloak's ability wore off and Bill noticed. Mabel fired her final arrow at his eye, buying me more time. After a few seconds, I made it to the top. I quickly grabbed the Decipher. I pressed the button that was on it and hoped for the best. I jumped down, stabbing Bill's back as I slid down, making a pretty nasty back scar.
Blood poured out. A lot of it. "It worked!" Jim said. Bill shrunk back to normal
He started laughing.
"Why am I so stupid? Why are YOU so stupid? I'm in reality. I can do what I want!" the demon said, blasting Jim into a million pieces, not literally. "No!" Ash cried.
Then, I woke up.

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