Chapter Three : Threatened

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'Whoa, hold on, boy, straight to the point I see. How did you even—' said Bill. ''s nothing. I just want to make a deal, and get it over with.' Ashton said.

'Hm, my mind reading powers aren't working right ever since Pinetree—' 'I get it, just hurry up.' said Ashton, once again cutting him off. 'I need to stop them.' I whispered.

'What? I'm not going to let you get yourself hurt.' Mabel said, concerned. 'I have to. Who knows what Ashton will ask Bill to do.' I replied quietly. 'I'm not going to let you go.' said Mabel. I ignored her and tried to reveal myself.

As I was standing up, Mabel realized what I was doing and attempted to pull me down. I lost my balance and fell, resulting all of us to fall down the stairs.

'Eh?' Bill said. I gulped. 'Oh, no.' I said. 'Run!' Soos shouted.

Suddenly, a force field appeared out of nowhere and blocked all means of escape. 'Ooh, what do we have here?' Bill floated down to us.

'What do you want from us, you evil, sadistic, insane triangle guy?' shouted Mabel. She picked up a nearby lamp and threw it at him. The lamp fell short. 'Well, that could've gone better.' she said.

'Well, well, well,' said Bill. 'You said 'well' like, seven times already, stop it.' said Soos. 'So, we meet again, Pinetree, Shooting Star, Question Mark. This guy and I were about to make a deal.' he continued.

Ashton ran down the stairs and held up a gun to Bill. Bill laughed. 'You think a simple gun can stop me?' 'No.' answered Ashton. He pulled the trigger and a device got stuck on his abdomen...if he had one.

'Wait, what?' said Bill, shocked. Ashton leapt at Bill, and he didn't go through him. He tackled Bill to the ground. 'Get off, mortal!' shouted Bill. The force fields disappeared. 'Get away!' I shouted.

Soos struggled to pick up a coffee table and threw it towards Ashton and Bill, knocking them over. 'Haha, yes. Wait a minute. Is it just me, or is he increasing in size and becoming redder and redder ready to possibly kill us any minute now? Meh, it's just me.' Soos said.

'Enough!' Bill screamed. Nearby glass broke as Bill released waves of energy surrounding him, knocking everybody off their feet. 'You said you wanted a deal and a deal you will get!' said Bill angrily.

'If you don't manage to bring me a barrel of teeth by the end of this week, I will find you, and I will kill you.' continued Bill. 'Isn't that a line from a movie?' said Mabel. 'A barrel full of teeth? Are you kidding me? That's gross!' I exclaimed. 'And demented.' Soos added.

'I have a very strange obsession. Don't question it, handyman. Making work of all of you could be a cinch. See you next week! Also Flame, thanks for the reality upgrade! Really appreaciate it. Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram,buy gold, bye!' said Bill as he teleported away.

There was a moment of silence. 'Well, time to visit the dentist!' said Mabel. 'Hold on, Mabel. That wasn't a deal. That was a threat. We've got to tell Ford about this.' I said.


Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I've decided to put up two parts every day. I've also decided that well, at this rate I can't keep up with the story here, two chapters a day? You're just going to have to wait. I'm making, on average one chapter a day, so let's make it a 'sort of daily' thing. Sorry this chapter is short, the later ones are much longer, I promise you that. Until next time! Too-del-oo!

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