Chapter Fifteen : Weirdness Overload

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Mabel's P.O.V

I watched in horror as Dipper's body flew across the room, slamming onto the hard cave wall. "Dipper!" I cried and ran towards him. I shook his body. "Wake up!" I said, tears streaming down my face. "Dipper!" I continued to shake him. No movement. I felt his pulse and sighed in relief. Still alive-barely.

Ash's P.O.V

Bill saw me. We locked eyes. There he was. The person who will kill my family. That was my chance. "Okay, here we have a Demon Hunter! How fancy!" Bill said, breaking the silence.
I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists so tightly my knuckles turned white. I quickly whipped out my Dematerialiser and instantly pulled the trigger in the blink of an eye. Bill dodged it just as quickly, unfortunately. A voice spoke from the group. "Attack!"
The cave explored with bursts of fire from the guns. The trio managed to dodge the bullets pretty easily. "Now's my chance!" I thought. I rapidly shot at Bill but to no avail. He could dodge it in a split second.
One hit him, and then he turned to look at me. "Crap." I said to myself.
I slowly walked backwards as I fired, moving away from a motionless Bill. All bullets that would've hit it's target seemed to bend around him therefore missing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a door leading to another room. Through the windows on the door, I saw something shiny. It was a small yellow cube. The Decipher!
I looked at Bill who saw what I was looking at. "Oh-ly shit!" I said and made a mad dash towards the cube. I struggled to push through the people. Bill just casually floated above the chaos. No one seems to be shooting him. I could have sworn I heard him chuckle over the sound of the fight. "No!" I screamed. When i got there, it was too late. Bill had his hands on the Decipher. He started laughing. Suddenly, everyone stopped firing. His laughter echoed through the halls, chilling my spine. "Finally! At long last! Boys, our work here is done." he said to the other two.
Bill started glowing and dissapeared. "Oh no, you dont." I mumbled. I sprinted towards them. "Boost me up!" I yelled to my friend. He nodded and got in position. Tad started to glow and dissapeared too.
I ran faster and leapt at him. He boosted me up.
I quickly took out my knife and aimed for Sam's eye.
As gravity pulled me down, I stabbed him in the eye, bringing him down, (literally).
I landed on my feet, but Sam fell hard. I grabbed his two points and kicked him as hard as I could, and as expected, they broke off. He went sprawling onto the cold, hard stone.
I grabbed him and raised my knife. "! I...I..." Sam said, stuttering. "Too late." I repeatedly stabbed him.
It was gory.
After a good 50 stabs or so, I dropped him, then brought out my Dematerealiser and shot him. There was a bit of smoke, and when it cleared, instead of a body there was a green star shaped crystal.
There was complete silence. "Why'd you do that?" my friend asked. "Do what?" I replied. "Kill him like that? Even though he's a demon, that was unnessacary. He was a common, you could've got rid of him in one sho-" "I HAD HIM!" I shouted. Everybody looked shocked.
"I had him right fucking there, but I was too slow, and now he's gone!" I said. There was a short pause. "That was my chance and I blew it. Now he has the Decipher and all hope is lost." I said softly, but still audible. I glanced at Mabel who was sitting next to Dipper and he was still unconscious. "Someone help him. He's badly wounded." I said, pointig at Dipper. "Is anyone here a healer?" I asked. Someone raised a hand. A young girl stood forward. It was her. The girl who stepped up to Bill earlier. "Whats your name?" I asked. "Anderson. Lily Anderson.".

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