Chapter Seventeen : Explanation

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After a few minutes of playing a game of 'get Dipper on the wheelchair', I finally got on it. "You should be healed by morning." Mabel said.
"I hope so."
There were tunnels everywhere, each one leading to who knows where. There were rooms in multiple corridors leading to the main area. On the way, Mabel told me the events that happened when I was knocked out.
"What exactly IS the Decipher?" I asked. "Dont worry. They'll tell us the full story." Mabel replied. "They?"
She pushed me to the main area. It was slightly different from the last time I saw it.
There were bullet marks absolutely everywhere, the walls, the ceiling, even some on the floor. The group of people were doing their jobs, cleaning up, tinkering with some metal and such. Ash was waiting for us at the center of the room.
"There you guys are! We don't have all day." he said, leaning on a table. "Look at mister bad mood! All okay now?" He smiled. "I just snapped for a few seconds. It happens." he replied. "By brutaly murdering someone? Thats illegal!" exclaimed Mabel. "Are you saying you can kill someone legally like that?" Ash asked. "Im saying I think we can kill people with happiness. Like they say, you can kill someone when Trump becomes president!" Mabel replied.
"I've never heard that saying before. One does not simply make-" I said.
"Thats enough dank memes for today." Ash said, cutting me off.
"Alright the main reason you came here. So Bill has got his hands on the Decipher and the apocolypse may happen anytime soon. So," he began.
"Whats the Decipher?" Mabel asked.
"Im glad you asked. Let me give you some history along with it." Ash replied.
"Im definetly looking forward to that." I said sarcastically.
"The Decipher was made in the early 70's ; 1973, by a brilliant name is unknown to rid the town of demons. You see, demons were a problem back then, but only a few people know about it. He created it to get rid of the demons once and for all using that device. It wasnt the normal demons that were the major problem, they were merely henchmen. The Uncommons. They were...are the special demons, such as our 'good friend' Bill Cipher, the dream demon. It would be passed down from generations, since there are too many to take down in one lifetime. The current holder was my friend Jim who also runs this organization. The Decommon it was originally called, once fired at a desired uncommon, it turns it into a common, making it easy to murder thier faces off, but thats besides my point. The point is, Bill is a dream demon. He can only connect to the real world by either possession or summoning." Ash said.
"Then why is he here in reality? I dont think he can blast me like that." I asked.
"Its my fault. Remember back at the Shack, I shot Bill? That wasnt a normal gun. Its a Materialiser. I brought Bill into reality. I wanted to kill him so bad I risked the world's destruction." he answered.
"Hey, its not your fault. You wanted to avenge your family. Thats reasonable and justifiying." Mabel reassuring him.
"Anyways, lets go." Ash said, getting off the table. "Wait, go where?" Mabel asked.
"We're going to take back whats ours."

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