Chapter Thirteen : Ashton's Story

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"Are you sure he's dead?" Mabel asked. "Oh please, I've been trained to fight demons. Demons are one thing, dream demons, however..." he trailed off and turned his head to look outside. "I don't want to talk about it. I know where to find our next shape." Ashton said, avoiding the topic. He began to make his way out. "Ash, we want to know. There's no way around it. No more secrets, no more mysteries. Tell us. Tell us everything." I said. He stopped in his tracks.

"'s personal." he finally replied after a short pause. Mabel and I exchanged glances. She just nodded. I sighed. "Tell us. Please." I said.

He looked at the floor, then turned around slowly. There was silence. Mabel sat on the counter. "Alright. If you insist."

Ashton's P.O.V

It was time. They needed to know why I was here. Why I came here in the first place. I took a deep breath, and breathed out. Here goes nothing. "I came here to kill Bill Cipher." I said. "No surprise there." Dipper said. Mabel lightly punched him in the shoulder.

" the future, around 2 years from now, the world is in peril. It's getting destroyed. Bill got his hands on the rift and unleashed his ultimate power. Bill, being the sick chaos god he is, k..killed the author of the journals mercilessly. He turned him into gold and smelted him into a triangle." I explained. "Ford?" Dipper asked panicked. "Calm down, Dipper. It didn't happen until two years." Mabel said, placing a hand on his shoulder, assuring everything was fine.

"I joined the time traveler forces, the 'police' of the future. I wanted revenge. Bill had gone too far that day."

"It was a cold, dark night. The remaining survivors of Gravity Falls were hiding, scared in their homes. The place was dangerous, saying that because that's where Bill's main quarters were. I wasn't one of the scared and broken. I was a rebel. I occasionally went out to hunt for eye bats, or any sort of edible food to eat. I had to feed my family. My mother and my sister hid in a small cave, dangerously close to Bill's place. The reason we didn't move? We can't. My mother had her whole bottom half trapped underneath big, heavy rocks that collapsed on her a while back. My sister on the other hand, was perfectly fine...but she had to take care of my mother. We'd often switch once in a while, she hunts and I stay. She was efficiently a better hunter than I was, I'd make it back with one or two victims, whereas my sister would bring back three to five. Why was I the one going out more often? Well, she was a better caretaker than I was. I remember my mother saying to me that I wasn't ready for the world. 'You have to go out there and prove to the world that you are a man. You aren't a helpless small boy, you are a rebel! A brave man.' she had said. 'But, mom-' I protested. 'Do you know who said that?' she said, interrupting me. A single tear rolled down my cheek. I shook my head. 'Your father.' she said, with sadness in her voice. 'When you were born, he said those exact words. He wanted you to be strong, even when you are weak. He wanted you to keep fighting, even if your limbs were amputated.' For a moment there, there was only the eerie silence of the night and the random screams or whatever horror that happened to the poor souls. My father died trying to defend us the very day it happened. There was a giant eye bat outside our house. It was collapsing due to the eye bat bumping into it. He grabbed a spear he'd always had for no reason and threw it at the eye. After a minute or two, it finally grabbed ahold of my father with it's claws despite his best attempts to dodge. 'Father!' I screamed. 'Ash! Take care of your mother and sister for me. Remember,' he had said. I was crying uncontrollably. The terrifying bat screeched, ready to kill it's next victim. 'I love you.' he said, followed by a twist of the eye bat's claws, and a loud snap. 'NO!' I screamed. I screamed louder than anything else can." I explained.

Suddenly, I realized that I was crying. I quickly wiped the tears away. Mabel was crying.  Dipper was just staring at me. He had a sad look in his eyes.

"Are...are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, just *ahem* go ahead." said Dipper, glancing at Mabel. "A few days later, it happened. The reason I came here. I was hunting that night. I had four eye bats that time. 'Oh boy! Sister's going to be impressed!' I whispered to myself. I carefully walked in the dark corners of the cold, dark streets. Then, I heard a scream. It was coming from the cave. I immediately rushed towards the source. I climbed up the scaffolding we made for a faster way up. I saw something glowing from the cave upon arrival. My sister was shaking hands with...with Bill. 'Jennifer?' I asked. They both turned to look at me. She gasped. 'Ash!' she said, and pulled her hand away from Bill. 'Wh..what are you doing?!' I asked. ''s not what it looks like!' Bill slowly approached me. 'Well, well, well, so this is the Ashton, huh?' Bill said. 'Remember your deal, Bill.' my sister said to him. He stopped in his tracks. 'Yes, right. The deal.' he said, squinting his one eye. 'What deal? What's going on here?' I asked. 'Your sister made a deal with me. I help remove the rocks from your mother's body AND, yeah, a little extra going on here, and not harm anyone in your family ,all for the price of one. Little. Girl.' Bill explained, moving towards Jennifer. 'Her? Why?' I asked. 'Sorry, Ashton. I have to protect my family.' She replied. 'Goodbye.' Bill grabbed her neck and snapped it. I stood there, wide eyed in shock. There goes another one. With a flick of his hand, the rocks were removed from my mother. 'Mother!' I shouted and took a few steps forward. 'Stop! Take one more step and she's a goner!' Bill said casually. 'What? But the deal?' I protested. 'Oh please, that old deal? Well guess what? I LIED!!!' he yelled out the last word and at the same time, a magical force launched my mother off the mouth of the cave which was at the edge of a cliff. 'NO!' I screamed. I looked back at Bill, but he was gone." I finished.

I realized that I was sitting down. Mabel was sobbing away, and Dipper was in his same position. Just staring at me. I noticed tears in his eyes. "I never knew...I'm so sorry." he said, his voice quavering. I smiled. "It's okay. But what's important, is that we have to find the others." I said, feeling better for expressing that story out loud.

Dipper smiled. "Let's do this."

"Aww....Your story.....TOTALLY CRUSHED IT!" said Mabel between sobs. "Oh god,Mabel! That was one of the sad parts of the story! Why would you make a pun of it?!" Dipper asked. "Cause he didn't take care of his story well enough like how he didn't take care of his mom well enough? HAHA!" replied Mabel. "MABEL!!" She wiped away her tears. "Haha! I was trying to lighten up the mood!" she said.

"Uh...Dipper...." I started. "Sorry Ash,she's just..." "It's fine,but...You...Uh...Should be a little tougher and DEAL with your sister!" I continued. "For heavens sake, Ash, these are your personal problems and you made a pun of it?!" Dipper told me. "Mabel's right. We should move on with out lives and be happy." I said to Dipper. I pulled him closer. "Just don't be TOO happy." I said softly in his ear. I looked at Mabel.

She was chasing after a butterfly that came in the building.

"Yeah..." Dipper replied.


Whew! This ones the longest one yet! Tell me in the comments what you think about this!

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