Chapter Ten : The Expert

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That night, I had the strangest dream. It was too blurry to make out anything at all, and the sound was distorted. I could only catch some words, like 'Mystery' and 'Time'. Suddenly, a figure materialized in front of me. It began to take the form of a humanoid shape. All of a sudden, I was flashed with an image and white, blinding light shone. I woke with a start. By start I meant almost screaming out loud kind of start. The was...Ashton.

I decided to consult great uncle Ford about it. What could Ashton be doing in my dream? It had to be something to do with Bill. It had to. I passed by a clock. 12:37a .m. Past midnight, huh? I wondered what Ford could be doing at this kind of time.

A device that can block all signals? A transmutation disguising device? An alien transmitter that can transmit signals to aliens in outer space to help us? Another interdimensional portal? Or he could just be sleeping. Seemed logical enough.

I took the elevator down to the basement. Upon arrival, I heard a voice. It wasn't Ford's. I hid against the wall beside the door. "Okay, let's try this again. Where is the rift?" said a familiar voice. "I'll never tell you!" shouted Ford. "It's funny, I'm supposed to know where it is, I just forgot. That's the problem. You better spill it because the more I have to torture you, the more awkward it's gonna be for me! I'm not even supposed to do this to you!" the voice said.

I crept closer. "It is really....?" I thought. I peeked into the room. It was Ashton! Ford was tied on a chair. "The mission was to kill Bill Cipher and his three brothers. To do that, I first have to secure the rift that could bring on the end of the world! Weirdmageddon could finally happen and no one can stop-" Ashton said.

He paused. "I...I just conviniently revealed plot points for my plan to anyone eavesdropping nearby this room!" he said. "Wait. WHAT?!" I thought. I ran towards to exit only to be greeted by him. "Why hello, there!" Ashton said. "Ahh!" I screamed. "Surprised? I know lots of things." he replied casually. "What are you planning? Why do you want the rift? And what did you do to Great Uncle Ford?" I asked. "I'm okay!" shouted Ford from across the room.

"I mean, you've kinda already know my 'master plan'. I'm pretty sure you're smarter than that." he answered. "Well, I-" I protested. I hesitated. "I...I saw you in my dream just now." I blurted. "You saw who, now? Me?" Ashton asked. "Yeah, I couldn't make anything else out." I answered. "Hmm...I don't know." he said. "Did you just say you wanted to kill Bill Cipher?" I asked, remembering earlier. "Yeah, why?" he asked. He paused, then judging by the look of his face, he figured something out.

"Do you want to go shape hunting?" Ashton said with excitement. "Uh...sure?" I replied. "You do realize I'm still tied back here, right?" Ford said. For a moment there, I completely forgot about him.

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