Chapter Eight : Brainstorm

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'What was that all about?' Mabel asked. Everything went by so quickly, the entire event felt like a blur.

'Oh, no. This is bad! If Tad's anything like Bill, then....then,' Ford began. There was a slight pause. 'Forget it! We've got double trouble here.' Ford continued, not knowing what to say.

I flipped through the journals, looking for a clue. 'There must be something in the journals that can help us.' I said. 'No! There is nothing in there that can help us. Not until further research. Keep an eye on Tad. He's got something under that sleeve of his.' Ford suggested.

'What's the worst that could happen? I mean, what's next, Sam Weird?' Mabel said confidently. 'Yeah, I guess so.' I replied. I mean, how hard can defeating two Bills be?

Mabel's P.O.V

Dipper's making his 'thinking face' again. I wonder what he might be thinking. His facial expression turned a little bit worried for a second there. 'Don't worry, bro-bro. We've got your back.' I said, in efforts of cheering him up. He immediately snapped out of it. 'Worry? What? Who's worried?' Dipper said, covering up.

'Dipper, you're horrible at lying.' 'I know! I was just thinking, what if there's more? Like....him...?' he replied.

'The odds are, the guy has like, demon friends in the other dimension. We've got to stop them before anything else happens.' Grunkle Stan.

'But what?' Dipper asked.

Dipper's P.O.V.

I just can't take my mind off of things. We've got no clue, no idea what's going to happen, or anything at all for that matter. I've never been so dumbfounded in my entire life!

Maybe....maybe I just had to take a break from all these things, you know, give it a rest for a day. But I can't. There's something stirring up inside that made me feel like I want more, but I can't.

'We're going to have to talk to Tad. In person.' I decided.

We left Ford in the basement to do something secretive, according to the man himself.

We spent about an hour asking people in town if they've seen Tad, but in vain. Apparently, nobody has ever even tried to approach the guy. Word is, that guy is a news reporter from a foreign country. Or so they say.

Tad is one of those people that never seem to be seen, only at important events. Not even a house, or relatives, or parents. 'He is truly a man of mystery.'

Well, not if he's a dream demon. We went to Lazy Susan's restaurant for lunch. 'We'll never find him! He could be anywhere!' I exclaimed. 'One food, please. And human liquid.' I overheard. 'That voice...' I thought. I spun around to find Tad Strange and another man ordering food.

Hope started to flicker back. 'There he is!' I told Mabel and Grunkle Stan. I tried to go towards them. Suddenly, a hand shot out to grab me. It was Grunkle Stan. 'Whoa there, don't just rush in like that. You've got to plan it out first.' 'Since when do you plan?' I replied.

'I don't know, just now?' he said.

Still nothing. The next few ones should be better.

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