Chapter Eighteen : Storm The Fortress Quiet-Style

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"Ash, Dipper cant go. He cant even walk." Mabel said. "Guys! Guys!" Lily shouted as she ran towards us.
"Here." she said and showed us a syringe filled with blue liquid. "What is that?" I asked. Without warning, she grabbed my arm and jammed in onto my arm and injected. "Hey! What is that?" I asked. Suddenly, my back felt better, then the rest of my body.
"Dipper, are you okay?" Mabel asked. "Yeah, in fact..." I said. I stood up. She gasped. "...I feel amazing." I finished.
"What IS that?" Mabel said, pointing at the empty syringe. "Magic!" Lily said, grinning.
"Now are we good to go?" Ash asked.
We were shown the weapons room. "I dont think we need weapons." I said. "Just pick one. Or more. Whatever." Ash said, crossing his arms. I looked at Mabel. Her eyes gleamed. "I will have..." she started. She walked up to a box and grabbed something. She hid it, twirled around and pointed it into the air. "UPGRADED GRAPPING HOOK!" she screamed. "Thats a pretty sweet crossbow." Ash pointed out. It was a pure black crossbow that fitted Mabel well. It had a curved end to each side and had a pretty interesting pattern. "Theres no arrows though. Here, follow me. Dipper, take your pick." Ash said, ready to leave.
I looked around. Something caught my eye. I picked it up.
"What is this?" I asked, showing it to Ash. His eyes widen.
"That, my friend is a Tynadeum Blade. I think I know what equipment goes along well with that." Ash replied.
We went to the armoury which was conveniantly located nearby the weaponry room.
"Here it is. Go ahead. Have a look around." Ash said, leaning against the doorway. We walked around for a bit. It wasnt that big, it was only a little bigger than the last one. Mabel grabbed an entire quiver of arrows. They also were black. "Ooh, good choice." Ash said.
"Those are Dergan handcrafted high quality arrows made using Hylmayth wood only found in the Freguna mountains, and iron so rare and magical they are dug by the finest Boughaarft miners under those mountains and approved by the Rugovbisch-"
"Whoa, slow down and speak English." Mabel said.
"Yeah. What I meant was those are awesome arrows."
"Oh, I almost forgot! Dipper. Let me show you the stuff." he continued.
"Stuff? What stuff?" I asked.
He took me a little further down the aisle and turned left.
"Here it is."
He took out a big piece of dark blue cloth — a cloak. "This is an invisibility cloak. You need practice if you want to control it so that you can be visible, but still wear the cloak." Ash said, handing it to me. It was a soft amd comfortable fabric. "Including the cloak itself? Because I dont want to be a magic floating cloak." I asked. "Including the cloak." he replied in between a small laugh. I sceptically put it on. I held up my hands to my face. Suddenly, I could no longer see my hands, or my body for that matter.
"Voila! Now...where are you?" he asked. "Im right here." I replied. "Thats enough for now." he said. I took it off, amd there my body was.
"So Bill cant see me?" I asked. "Well, he can sense a presence but no, he cant see you. You'd have to be quick though. If you just stand there for a while he will find you." Ash said. I thought about it. "How long do I have?" I asked.
"Less than 15 seconds."
"He IS a powerful, if not the most powerful dream demon there is. He is technically king of the yeah. 20 seconds, tops." he replied.
"Oh, and a radius of 5 meters." he added.
I looked at him like he was crazy. He shrugged. "Hey guys, you done yet?" Mabel shouted from back at the entrance. "We should go now." I suggested.
After a few minutes, we were prepared. "Alright, this is a dangerous mission. The odds are Tad and Bill in the castle. So we have to sneak in and grab it before anyone notices its gone and that'll be fast so get your running legs ready." Ash said. "Wait, what castle?" I asked him. He grinned. "Oh, you'll see."
We had Jim and another guy accompany and cover us. As we walked towards the cave entrance, I noticed it was dark out. A crackle of thunder was heard. "Is it stormy outside?" I said to them. "Probably." Ash replied.
The first thing I noticed different was the sky. It was purple. Then, to the right of the forest, I saw something huge through the trees. We walked all the way to town. Instead of the city hall, I saw a massive pyramid. "Wha...what? What the the heck happened?" I said to the group. "A lot of things can change in a day." Ash said to me. "A day? What do you mean?"
"Yeah..when you got blasted you kinda passed out for a day." Mabel said. "Oh dang." I said in response.
"Come on, just admit it. It looks cool." Ash told me. " kinda looks cool and stuff.." the others said. We crept closer to the pyramid by sneaking around buildings. Finally, we reached the final building near the entrance. "We cant just waltz our way in the front door, right?" I asked. "Thats the only way in though. We have no other choice." Jim said. We quickly and carefully entered the open door. It was nothing like the outside. Everything was so fancy in there. Carpets, paintings (of Bill), and even decoratives everywhere. "Im starting to think the Northwests have something to do with this." I said. "Shh!" Mabel said. "Sorry," I whispered.
We walked around for a bit. "Where is it supposed to be?" I whispered to Ash. "I dont know." he replied. "What? You mean we're just wandering the hallways aimlessly, snooping around for the Decipher? But we are vunerable out here. We're going to—" I whispered a little louder. "Get caught." a voice said, finishing my sentence. Tad Strange was standing right in front of us.

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