Chapter Five : Cemetery

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The cemetery was dark and creepy. 'Isn't it supposed to be noon?' I asked. Mabel shrugged. I stepped on some sticky stuff. 'Ugh, what is this stuff?' I asked. She inspected it.

'I hereby say that I, Mabel Pines have discovered...Sticky Stuff!' she exclaimed a she held some in the air. 'Uh, what are you doing?' I asked.

Mabel was putting the slime in her pockets. 'Collection.' 'Really?' I sighed.

The more we went through the cemetery, the darker it got. 'This place is creepier than Grunkle Stan's denture collection.' I said. 'This place is creepier than your internet history.' said Mabel. 'Haha, I walked into that one.' I said sarcastically.

I lightly punched her in the shoulder.

I keep falling into jokes and puns of me being short and about my creepy Internet history. I hate it, but I learn to not care. I sighed.

'Well, we should start digging, I guess.' I said, my voice obviously stating that I didn't want to do that. 'Yeah! Let the digging commence!' said Mabel excitedly.

The air felt colder all of a sudden. Way colder. 'Uh, did someone turn on the air conditioner?' said Mabel.

Suddenly, a figure emerged in the mist. 'Excuse me sir, we were just about to dig up some ol' —!' shouted Mabel. I slapped my hand onto her mouth before she finished. "You're yelling at a complete stranger in the middle.of the cemetery about us digging up teeth? What the heck Mabel?" I whispered.

' Maybe he's friendly!' she said. I facepalmed. 'You jinxed it.' I said softly. The figure was getting closer and closer by the second. 'You....' a raspy voice said.We backed up.

A broken, wrinkled, old finger slowly pointed at me. 'Whoa there,' I said. The mysterious figure's face finally was revealed.

'Hey, I hope you don't mind us digging up some dead bodies and collecting a barrel full of—' started Mabel. 'Oh, hey, look at the time! It's one o' clock, we should really get going!' I butted in.

To be honest, I actually expected some kind of old, ugly face and surprise, surprise, it's a witch ready to brew us and eat us or unleash some sort of horrible curse.

But, boy, oh boy, I was off. I wasn't too far off though.

The skin ripped apart as a shimmering blue light began expanding, and spilling out guts everywhere. I wished we could've unseen that.

A ghost of some sort, blu-ish light emitting from the entity. It took on the form of a human. It's presence sending an eerie mood in the cemetery.

'I'm sure it's friendly.' said Mabel reassuringly.

'Who dares enter the sacred cemetery?' a deep voice bellowed.

'Yep, he's friendly!' said Mabel.


Sorry this chapter is short. And the next one too. Don't worry, the next ones won't be as short as these! 400 words and above? I'm a noob.

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