34.✍ @YvetteRussell✍

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Just finished my exams and here is an interview of one of my all time fave author :) i love her vampire books just like mollynight ....

Describe yourself and everything you want us to know about you? What are the personality traits I should expect if I meet you?

I am very quiet upon first meeting. I'm a natural observer, so I tend to watch people before I start talking, or let them do most of the talking. But once I get to know you, I can get pretty chatty! Also, though I tend to dress fashionably, and love cute things, I definitely have a dark streak.

What are your hobbies and favourites for everything?

Writing is my hobby! I work as a designer during the day, so to unwind I sit down and write. It's something that's completely different from my daily work, so it's a nice way to calm down while still being creative. Being creative is something that's very important to me.

What are the three things about you that could make me recognize you even from a group of thousand people?

I am incredibly pale... Almost like a vampire. I also have very light blonde hair so it's pretty easy to pick me out. I'll blind you. ;)

What would you do if you became a vampire of find out you were a witch?

If I were vampire, I think I'd be most excited about being able to live forever... All that time to finish as many projects as I like! If I were a witch, I'd figure out how to stop time so I could, work on all my projects. Hm, recurring theme.

What is the story behind your username?

My username is simply my pseudonym/pen name. I chose it because I like the name Yvette and Russell is my Grandfather's name... and also because it was available on Twitter and Wattpad.

How, why, when you joined Wattpad? Give us your story gal! How has your experience been on Wattpad?

I joined Wattpad five years ago, which seems insane now. It's kind of a funny story. I was wasting time on the Internet, and I stumbled across an article about the most popular characters/celebrities in fanfiction. Having grown up reading fanfic, I was curious, so I clicked through. I was shocked to find that Taylor Lautner topped the list. I, obviously, knew that Twilight was big, but I was sure that there was no way it could compete with older, bigger fandoms like Harry Potter, Star Trek, and Lord of the Rings.

But it wasn't an old site, like fanfiction.net, that had years upon years of fanfic from thousands of fandoms. This was a new site... called Wattpad.

The more I looked into it, I realized that Wattpad wasn't just for fanfiction. People also published their original fiction there. And since I had just finished my first novel—At Death's Door—for NaNoWriMo, I figured that I might as well post it there.

The rest is history. :)

Worst and best things about Wattpad?

I don't know if I could break it down into twenty points! I really love the variety of Wattpad. You can post anything and everything on there (I mean, within reason). You can try out any genre and fans will find you. It's incredible.

Wattpad has changed so much over the years! It's really impressive how the team has grown the community. There are some speedbumps with implementing new features, but I'm really excited about the direction the site is going in.

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