✍ @AmythestWinter(A. L. Winter)✍

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*comes back irish dancing* 

so here i'm with  new fav of mine : A.L Winter!!!!! 

damn remember that book Zion we all have been going absolutely nuts on? Well this is the author of our bae character Zion !!!

do you think the last chap of Zion was a bit intense ? I can't wait for more!

here you go fellas, enjoy!!!

1.Describe yourself, anything and everything you want us to know? What should i expect if i meet you?

A.L Winter: I would describe myself as an introvert really, a go getter, determined, and spontaneous person. To tell the truth, I'm pretty down to earth and am a very caring person. If you were to meet me? That's a tough question. If you were to meet me I'd be myself, someone who loves sarcasm and can be a bit too blunt sometimes.

pt2:State three qualities about yourself that could make anyone recognize you from a huge crowd of people ?

A.L Winter: I would describe myself as an introvert really, a go getter, determined, and spontaneous person. To tell the truth, I'm pretty down to earth and am a very caring person. If you were to meet me? That's a tough question. If you were to meet me I'd be myself, someone who loves sarcasm and can be a bit too blunt sometimes.

2. What is the story behind your username ? When,where,how and why you entered the world of writing? Give us your own cute writer story :)

A.L Winter: The story behind my username is kind of an inside joke for my grade. My last name of Winter for my username (because I write under a surname) is because we made our teacher back in seventh grade a fake husband with the last name of Winter. Amythest is really just because when I used to dance, the girl that I always looked up to and wanted to dance like was named Amythest. I entered the world of writing in third grade really. I wrote small stores about some fictional land about my friends and I (which I would love to make into a novel sometime). From there on writing became something I would enjoy, where I could create this form of tunnel vision and be in my own world and create things.

3. What does writing mean to you and why? do you ever think of taking it as a career ? why and why not?

A.L Winter: Writing to me is like an escape, a paradise away from stress and anxiety where I can become myself. I've thought of maybe writing novels to the side when older, but it's not what I truly want to do because I enjoy science and math so much I don't want to give them up. If there's one thing I love more than writing, it's those two subjects and I spend hours just reading about discoveries and nerdy jokes.

pt2:What would you say to your fans/readers? Do you have a name for them?

A.L Winter: To my fans and readers, I mainly say to them how thankful I am for their support of my writing. These people encourage me everyday to get up and write a new chapter because they enjoyed the previous so much. For them, I sometimes just call them FINM (family I've never met) because I see them as a larger part of my family due to the support they give me.

4. Give your hobbies, and favourites and things you hate.Give your strengths,weaknesses,pet peeves,hobbies,passion,dreams,desires about you and your characters.

A.L Winter: Besides binge watching, writing, and sleeping, I do have a wide range of hobbies. I love t play volleyball (been playing it for almost a decade now), canoeing, painting, and bouldering. One thing I hate to death are sharks, they just scare me to death every time I see a picture of one. A strength of mine would have to be my determination while a weakness would be my laziness. I just got a puppy two months ago and a dream I've always had is to go to space. Another dream that is close to be coming true is heading to college for Chemical Engineering (a huge passion of mine).

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