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I woke up before my alarm for school even went off, and what was my first thought? Jovani. He looked so cute yesterday in his black hoodie and his hair sort of messy. Why is he so cute and why do we have to go to school together? Sometimes it's so distracting to know that he's right next to me in Art class.

Yesterday I decided to delete my Goonsquad fanpage, but I couldn't bring myself to click delete. With everything going on with me from my parents divorcing to just having a bad day...Julian and Jovani were there for me. Watching their broadcasts made me so happy, and they still do. But I feel so weird about posting an edit when I could be in class with one of them. I yawned and stretched out my arms before turning off the alarm on my phone, which wouldn't have gone off for another twenty minutes.

I hopped in the shower and while rinsing the conditioner from my hair I felt bad. Jovani wanted to work on our project after school, but my mom and I are shopping for more furniture and things for the house. Hopefully I didn't blow my one chance at actually being a friend to Jovani. If I delete my fanpage I don't just wanna be a forgotten-about fan. What if Jovani stopped talking to me all together because I don't matter to him anymore?

I walked around my room in my bra and underwear until I put together what I thought was the perfect outfit. I put on my favorite black shirt that said "Reach for the stars" in white cursive, then pulled on my maroon colored skinny jeans and stepped into my black hightop vans. For once, I chose to straighten my wavy hair and pulled the top section back into a bun. When I heard the microwave go off I knew my mom was up, so I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs.

"Goodmorning mommy." I said, hugging her.

"Good morning my princesa, you look beautiful."


"Are you excited about shopping after school?" My mom said enthusiastically while stirring her coffee.

"Yes, I am." I replied honestly. "I just feel bad because my...friend wanted to meet after school for our art project and I had to say no."

"Who? Your friend Rose?"

I shook my head. "Jovani."

"Ohhhh!" She came over and poked my nose. "As in Julian and Jovani. I forgot you told me they go to your school. Which one do you have a crush on again?"

"Mom. Can we please just go?"

"Okay, okay. But I'll figure it out." My mom smirked.

Oh great.

On the drive to school my mom told me about what furniture she wanted to buy for the living room, and then we brainstormed ideas for my room. For the first time, when we pulled into the school's car loop I was happy. I finally feel comfortable at school...and I'm eager to see Jovani.

I have at least two people to talk to in every class now, so the periods go by a lot faster, I was almost shocked when I started my walk to Mrs.Taylor's room.

"Have fun." Rose told me once we had to part.

"You too." I laughed, she has Geometry...so fun is unlikely.

"Yeah right." She laughed.

"Hey Nalah." Jovani greeted me when I sat down.

"Hi Jovani. How's your day been?"

"Pretty good, yours?"

"Good." I nodded. "I'm sorry we can't work on our projects after school. My mom and I are picking out furniture and stuff for the house."

"Oh, it's no big deal. There's always tomorrow, or the weekend." He shrugged.

"Yeah. That's true." I looked away and blushed. At least I know that there's gonna be other opportunities.

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