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I couldn't get the smile off my face when Nalah entered the art room. When I see her now, even just in the halls, I get this weird feeling that I've never felt with any other girlfriend. I'm just genuinely happy to see her.

"Hi beautiful." I greeted her as she sat beside me.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Awww." David said. "Mark look at the cute couple. Aren't they so cute?" I laughed and rolled my eyes, but Nalah just quietly blushed.

Mrs.Taylor gave us a new assignment, in which we had to make clay whistles. I watched Nalah while she worked on hers, she makes the cutest faces when she's focusing. In the end she got the body of her whistle to be a perfect circular shape. Mark, David, and myself made our bodies rectangular, because it was much easier to accomplish. When Mrs.Taylor started walking around to help students she stopped to complement Nalah on what she'd done so far, and I, for some reason, felt extra proud of her.

During the last 10 minutes of class we had to clean up and then stand in line at Mrs.Taylor's sink to get the clay off our hands.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Nalah said to me in line. "My mom can't pick me up today, do you mind if I walk with your group?"

I smiled. "Not at all." I've been wanting to kiss her all day, but I don't think school is really the right place, so maybe I can do it walking home.


After our hands were washed and dried everyone waited by the door for the bell to ring. I smoothly slipped my fingers between Nalah's and she just smiled at me. When the bell rang, our hands stayed connected.

"I can't take it." Rosalie smiled at us. "You guys are so cute."

"Thanks." Nalah replied, and I squeezed her hand slightly, making her smile more.

"I think Drew is upset, but he'll get over it." Rosalie shrugged.

Oh yeah...Drew.

"I hope he's not mad at me." Nalah frowned.

"Babe there's nothing for him to be mad at." I assured her. "He's a big boy, he'll be fine."

Once we walked into the cafeteria Rosalie waited for Nalah.

"Ok Jovani, she's your girlfriend, but at lunch time, she's with me."

Nalah laughed and took her hand away from mine.

"I'll meet you at the gate after school ok?" She asked.


She kissed my cheek and walked away with Rosalie, as if what just happened didn't leave my entire face tingling. I walked to my table with an idiotic smile.

"Hey bro." Julian said.


Julian, Mark, David, Drew, and Connor all walked with me to the lunch line.

"So...you and Nalah?" Connor asked.

"Yeah." I nodded and glanced at Drew, but he didn't seem interested in the conversation.

"I give you props bro, she's hot." Connor continued.

I cleared my throat, feeling awkward now. "Yeah, she is."

"Obviously Nalah's the good looking one in the relationship." Julian teased.

"Julian shut up, you look just like me."

Everyone started laughing, including Julian.

"That's true, you can't make ugly jokes if you're a twin." Julian sighed.

For the rest of lunch we all just ate and talked about how much we couldn't wait for Christmas break.

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