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Jovani told me to go take a shower while he cleaned up the glass that was shattered all over my floor. My tears blended in with the water from the shower head as they made their way down the drain. Eventually I wasn't standing anymore, I sat on the cold tile floor of the shower with my back against the wall and cried until there was a knock on the door.

"Nalah!" Jovani called. "You've been in there for an hour babe please come out."

I used all of my strength to stand up and turn off the water.

"I'm coming!" I said, my voice cracking.

The moment I got dried off and started getting dressed I could feel the toll that my breakdown took on my body. I had a small headache and felt mentally exhausted. Nothing appealed more to me than the idea of sleep. When I opened the door to my room Jovani was sitting on my computer chair on his phone.

"I'm sleepy." I sighed.

He stood up and wrapped his arms around me.

"My mom is gonna sleep in your mom's room, but she has to go home and change clothes. Should I have her drop me off? Or do you want me to come back."

I squeezed him. "Come back, please."

"Okay. I'll be back." He said and kissed my forehead.

"I'm gonna walk down with you. I think I need a mommy hug." I laughed.

"Okay." He nodded and took my hand, walking downstairs with me.

"Mom, I'm gonna stay too." Jovani told his mom.

"Alright, we'll be right back." My mom told Nalah and Ms.Santiago.

Once they were gone I hugged my mom.

"I'm sorry if I scared you."

She squeezed me tight and kissed the top of my head. "It's ok baby. I'm sorry your dad is an a**hole."

I laughed and we sat down on the couch together. "It's okay, you gave birth to ME, not him. It isn't your fault."

My mom got quiet and looked at me with a smile. "Jovani cares about you so much. He was just as worried as I am."

I nodded and started twiddling my thumbs in my lap. "He said he loves me." I shrugged. "I think he just said it to make me feel better though."

She raised her eyebrows. "Did you say it back?"

"Yes, but I don't think he took it seriously."

"Love is a strong word Nalah. You shouldn't say it unless it's true."

I bit my lip and stared at the carpet. "It is true ma. I can't imagine not having him in my life. When he looks at me I get butterflies. And he's so nice to me, always, and he listens to me complain and he never judges me. I just... I think he's perfect. And he makes me feel like maybe I'm perfect too."

My mom smiled and nudged me. "Well...I can't speak for him, but I don't think you're the only one in love." My mom cleared her throat and sat up straight. "Can I trust you two in a bed together?"

"Mom!" I blushed. "Yes of course. Nothing happened at his house, nothing is ganna happen here."

"Just promise if you guys ever... think about that you'll talk to me first."

"Mom oh my god please stop!" I covered my ears while I laughed. My cheeks were burning.

"What!? I know at your age you guys can't control your hormones."

"Mom. I can."

"Good." We both sat laughing together for at least a full minute. Whenever we made eye contact we laughed harder. When we finally calmed down we could speak again.

"Are you hungry? I can order pizza or something."

"No it's ok, I just wanna go to sleep."

"Ok honey. When Jovani gets here I'll send him up."

I kissed her cheek and hugged her. "Thank you. Goodnight mommy."


I went up to my room and cleaned up, putting everything I knocked out of place during my breakdown back where it belonged. As soon as I realized that Jovani and his mom had been gone for about an hour, he walked in.

"For you." He smiled, holding up a giant stuffed teddy bear.

"Jovani!" I cheered, taking it from him and hugging it. "Thank you!"

"I just thought you'd like something to cuddle with when I'm not here."

I was still squeezing the bear and Jovani laughed, taking it from my arms. "For when I'm NOT here."

"Sorry." I laughed. "Thank you, I love it."

"And it loves you too." He walked over to my desk and sat the bear on my computer chair. "But I love you more."

I sat down on my bed and took a deep breath.

"Jovani can we talk?"

"Of course." He sat down next to me.

I grabbed his hands. "Jovani. When you said you loved me earlier, was that just to try and make me feel better?"

He shook his head. "Not at all. I meant it."

"Okay, because I did too."

I walked over to the door and flicked the light switch before getting in bed, Jovani layed beside me. I cuddled close to him and he made sure my quilt was covering me.

"Goodnight babe." He told me.

"Goodnight." I closed my eyes, but opened them again. "I love you Jovani."

"I love you more."

His hand caressed my cheek and he kissed me softly. I can't imagine us ever ending up like my parents...but I'm sure my parents never expected to end up how they are either.

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