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Jovani and I have been talking a lot more lately. Well not face to face talking, but texting. While I get ready for school in the morning we text, and as soon as I get home from school we resume from wherever our conversation during art class left off. Julian and I talk during math now too, which is really nice. I'm pretty comfortable around them now, I never thought I would be.

"I can't believe it's already Thursday!" Said Jovani as he took his seat beside me.

"Me either! Just one more day and then we get a week off!"

"My history teacher gave us a stupid Thanksgiving review packet. But Rose and I are ganna split the work."

I raised my eyebrow. "You know Rosalie?"

"Yeah." He laughed. "We've been friends since like 3rd grade."

"Oh, she never told me that. I didn't know you were friends."

What the heck.

"Yeah. My bestfriend is her boyfriend, Nathan."

Oh, the boyfriend she wants to have a double date with.

"Oh, cool."

Mrs.Taylor walked to the front of the room and cleared her throat just after the bell rang.

"Will everyone please put their projects on this desk right here? Swing by after 5th period and I'll have a list of what two periods won a party. I'll be supplying pizza and napkins, that is all. So if your class wins I recommend you guys bring in drinks or chips if you'd like. I'm not writing 20 passes to the water fountain or vending machine."

Jovani and I exchanged papers quickly and complemented each other on our work as we looked them over.

"Here I'll take them." I offered.

"Nah, I'll take them."

"Jovani. Let me take the papers." I laughed.

"Ok, fine, if it means so much to you."

Once I had Mark and Davids's projects in my hand, as well as mine and Jovani's, I put them on the front desk with everyone else's.

"So Nalah, you have any fun plans for break?" David asked me when I sat back down at the table.

"Uh...I think I'm going to my aunt's house which I'm excited about because I haven't seen my cousins in a while. What about you guys?"

"Just plan on stuffing my face." David laughed.

"Yup. I wanna gain ten pounds." Mark commented. He ran his fingers through his spiked hair and smiled. "Hashtag body goals."

We all laughed at his use of modern trends and then it was Jovani's turn to share.

"I'm just spending the day eating with my family, but Monday night me and Julian are going to Miami to hang out with some friends." Jovani then turned to me. "Geo and Chrys."

"Woah, she knows your YouNow friends?" Mark asked.

"Yeah." Was all Jovani said.

I sat quietly, thankful that he didn't feel a need to mention that I know them because I'm a fan of them also.

"So did you guys already know eachother?" Mark asked.

"Sorta." Jovani shrugged. "We had a mutual friend, but we never really talked."

"Oh." David nodded. "Well now you guys can be friends."

From the corner of my eye I saw Jovani smile, but when I turned my head to look at him, the smile vanished.


"Alright guys." Mrs.Taylor was back in the front of the room. "Today I want everyone to choose one food that you eat on Thanksgiving and draw it. You can use google to help you find images, these are due at the end of class. Get to work."

I sighed and pulled my sketch book out from my backpack.

"Does she always do these random assignments?" I thought out loud.

"Yup." Mark informed me. "She's very last minute with lesson plans, she says it all the time."


When I went to flip to the next blank page in my book Jovani noticed the eye that I drew on my first day. His expression was curious, but I flipped to a blank page, stopping the conversation before it could start. I thought about the Death by chocolate that my mom makes every year. It's a cake composed of layers of cake, chocolate pudding, cool whip, and crushed oreo cookies. I didn't need to Google any images, its perfection was burned into my memory.

As I sketched, my arm bumped Jovani's.

"Sorry." I said quietly.

"It's ok." He assured me, and flashed an innocent smile.

There's no way that he could like me...it would make me too happy.

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