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"How was the party in art?" My mom asked me when I got in the car.

"It was fun. We ate pizza and stuff while we watched The Grinch Who Stole Christmas."

"Sounds great." My mom smiled and pulled out of the car loop. "I'll be working till 5 Sunday through Wednesday. You ganna be okay home all by yourself?"

I looked out the window to hide my frown from her. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

I'm gonna be so bored.

When we got home I felt relieved. One whole week of no school, no homework, and no waking up early. When I realized something, I frowned. One week of no Jovani.

"What do you want for dinner today?" My mom asked me.

"Um...something to cook? Or outside food?"

"Lets go with outside food because I'm too tired to cook." My mom laughed.


"Of course, okay, we'll go later."

"Ok. I'll be back, I'm ganna bring my bag upstairs."

The door to my room was closed, which I found odd because I never leave it closed when I leave for school. I turned the knob and opened it.

"Nalah!" Vanessa cheered.

"Oh my god!" I yelled. "Ahh!"

We hugged eachother tightly and my eyes were watering.

"What!? How!? Mom!!"

My mom came into the room smiling. "Surprise! Vanessa's ganna spend the week with us! Joseph and Myra (Vanessa's parents) are coming Wednesday night and then they're all leaving on Saturday."

I let go of Vanessa only to hug my mom. "Thank you mommy!"

I then gave Vanessa a death glare. "Why haven't you been answering my texts?"

"Nalah, you know I'm bad at keeping secrets. I had to ignore you so that I didn't ruin the surprise!"

I looked at her a second longer and then smiled. "Okay, I forgive you." She really is a terrible secret keeper.

Since we moved, I've never been as happy as I am now. Even though my dad is gone, Vanessa and her parents are my family too, and it's always nice to be around family.

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