Chapter 3

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Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 3:

I didn't go back down for dinner. I couldn't face D'Angelo or the rest of my family for that matter when I looked like a hot mess. So, like many women in their 20's acting like a teenager I went and hid in my room. Well, the room I had at my grandparent's on this occasion I would've killed to go home.

"KIRA! Ottenere il culo giù qui ora!" (get your butt down here now!) Hollered my grandmother.

I growled and rolled over on my bed burying my face in my pillows. I refused to answer her or go down there. Either way they would know something had happened between D'Angelo and I.

God I couldn't get him out of my head, he was like a disease slowly decaying my brain and my body hummed with the thought of him pressed against me. His strong hands caressing my body, his soft but firm lips attacking mine in a heated taunting kiss. My body grew hot just thinking about it.

"Why!" I whined to myself a buried deeper into my pillows.

I didn't understand what was wrong with me, I had been around many attractive guys before, plenty that had hit on me and tried to flirt, but none of them had taken over my mind like D'Angelo was right now.

D'Angelo Calabrese. Argh, I wanted to scream. The way he had come onto me was highly inappropriate not to mention wrong and yet here I was. My body gushing over him, my mind fantasizing about him.

I groaned again burying my head even deeper into my pillow – if that was possible.

D'Angelo's looks and body had nothing to do with my distress, oh no, it was the fact that he was a mobster, and not just any mobster, he was the Don's grandson. This went against everything I had ever been taught. It went against the family motto. Although with how friendly Alberto was trying to be with my grandfather it didn't seem like the family moto was being followed at all. Something was going on here and I wanted to know what.

Knots twisted in my stomach as I thought of what my father and grandfather would think of my little attraction towards D'Angelo.

I didn't know D'Angelo so I couldn't tell if I liked him, but I knew I was defiantly attracted to him and that attraction was going to get me in big trouble, trouble that could be hot and naughty as well as life-threatening.

I didn't know everything about the Mafia, but I knew most things and I knew that if I got involved with D'Angelo it would make me and my family a target and I couldn't do that to my family.

The only thing that made this all worse was that if I did go downstairs, the boys would all start their teasing. Company or no company they were going to make my life a living hell if I went down there, and there was no way I would go through that in front of D'Angelo.

It was times like this when I wished I wasn't the only girl besides my mum and my aunties. Being surrounded by men 24/7 was a nightmare because of how immature they were, and they always liked to make fun of me.

I turned over onto my back and stared at the ceiling as I heard feet pad up the stairs. I took in deep breaths as I prepared myself for the lecture I was about to get.

"Kira" came my Nonna's voice. I bit my lip sighing I sat up and watched as the door opened and my mother and grandmother slipped inside.

My eyebrows shot up at the sight of both of them.

The Gun Wants Me *currently writing and editing*Where stories live. Discover now