Chapter 29

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Copyrights © 2014 Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 29:

The carpet moved against my feet as I paced. The tears had finally stopped and now all I felt was numbness. Everything was processing through my mind as I continued to move from one end of the room to the other. I was probably wearing the carpet out but I didn't care, I was too consumed with my thoughts to let the condition of D'Angelo's furnishings bother me.

"This is bullshit" I hissed through my teeth, running my hand through my hair.

"I can't stay here. I have to leave, I have to get back to Santo and that prick wants to keep me here." I continued. My stomach twisted in unease as I started to have a conversation with myself. It was official I was losing it and talking to myself was my only coping mechanism before I really cracked.

"I can't let him, he can't control my life. I'm my own person, not his possession he can just let out whenever he feels like it" I said my voice weakening as I went on with my babble.

"God he's such a stuck up stubborn man and yet I like him" I whimpered my voice getting fainter as the nonsense talk went on. "No, I don't like him, I just have the urge to fuck him" I added crudely to myself. Scoffing at how vulgar my language had become. Part of me was turning into Adrianna more and more each day.

"Oh God Adrianna" I sighed in exasperation. "I'll never see her again, I may never see anyone I love ever again. All because of him. Fucking him, because I had to get involved with the goddamn mafia prince. Because I'm fucking stupid"

"Oh Dio, io vado pazza!" (Oh God, I'm going insane!) I cried as I pulled on the roots of my hair.

All the aftershock from the attack had worn down on me now. Probably the cause of my conversation with myself. My face was more likely than not puffy from all the crying, my head aching from the screaming and fighting and my body groggy from the stress. I needed some form of relief, one far away from anything that remotely reminded me of D'Angelo.

My pacing came to a halt as I faced the bed. I had been so wrapped up in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed the strain of everything had taken on my body. My legs ached, no doubt from all the pacing I had just done.

Without any strength left in me, I flopped down on the bed face first and groaned in content. I had been in the room for what felt like hours and hadn't even tested the bed. Now as my muscles relaxed I wished I had. The comforter was silky heaven on my exposed skin and the matters was so soft I felt like I was floating on a cloud.

The will to keep my eyes open was depleting as exhaustion from today's events took over. Curling into a ball I let the darkness take over me the last thing on my mind was the need to escape.


Groaning happily I rolled over, soft martial gliding over my skin making my lips tilt up in a smile. Blinking my eyes adjusted to the darkness and my heart sped up in a small panic before everything came rushing back to me and I realised I had locked myself up in one of D'Angelo's spare rooms and fallen asleep.

Spring up off the bed I stumbled on my legs, my feet aching as the exertion I had put myself through before went into full effect. My instincts kicking in, I steadied myself and started think of a plan. My need to escape hadn't changed and once I spotted a cordless phone on the dressing table. Moving across the room I picked up the phone and dialled the taxi company. My plan started to quickly form in my head as the phone rang, I would get out of the house take the taxi to my parents pay for it there and explain everything that had happen, take a shower there borrow some clothes and demand to visit my brother.

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