Chapter 41

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Copyrights © 2015 Elena Sgro
All Rights Reserved
Chapter 41:

I sat in daze. The erratic beating of my heart was the only thing I could hear as my glazed eyes stared through the people rushing around the hospital. The ride towards the hospital had left me numb.

After Gino was able to snap some sense into me, I had rushed towards the ambulance, my fists pounding on the hard exterior begging them to let me in. Of course I just got stared down until Gino came up beside me and pulled me away from the ambulance. The ambulance sped away as I thrashed against Gino cursing him to hell and back. My bare feet scraping against the concrete as I tried to put all my weight on Gino to make him let go of me. It was then that I wished Adrianna hadn't taken my shoes off so that I could grab one and bash Gino's head in with it.

"K-k-ira!" Adrianna stammered as she tried to grab my arms and stand in front of me.

I screamed out in anger my arms flailing and knocking hers away. I was so angry with both of them. My heart crumpling with every second the ambulance got further away. I wanted nothing more to hold D'Angelo's hand. To plead to him to stay with me. To tell him I loved him and that was ripped away from me.

"We need to get to the hospital" Adrianna said frantically as she finally caught a hold of my wrists. I continued to scream and kid but she held her grip both of them pulling me towards the car.

The E.R doors flapped open, instantly I jumped to me feet hoping on of the surgeons was coming out to inform us about D'Angelo. The second we got to the hospital, I had ran towards the front desk demanding to receive information on D'Angelo. Of course the stupid bitch wouldn't give me any info if I wasn't blood which caused me to blurt out that I was D'Angelo's fiancé. Immediately she told me he was rushed into surgery the second he arrived at the hospital. Relief flooded me but the impending worry on whether he would make it or not gnawed away at me, which me to the position I was in now.

Gino pulled away from his phone to stare at me, I could feel his eyes on me the whole time as he inched towards me. I couldn't, however, care less about what Gino did all I cared about was D'Angelo.

"Hallak family" the surgeon said. My heart deflating as I sat back down. My nerves picking out again as I continued to wait on the news of D'Angelo's condition.

Wringing my fingers together I stared at the floor.

"His family is on their way" Gino spoke softly as he sat next to me.

I merely nodded not able to speak. What had only been maybe a half hour felt like a lengthy time, an unbearable lengthy time. It was all to much to take and I wouldn't calm until I saw D'Angelo before me live and well.

"I brought some coffee"

I jumped at the sudden loudness of Adrianna's voice next to me. Sitting and staring into space for so long, I had been on the verge of reality while most of me had been lost in my own worry. Not knowing what was truly going on around me I had blacked everything out praying that some news on D'Angelo would come through soon. I felt Adri and Gino's presence now suffocating me as I sat in the hard chair. My body had been to numb before to acknowledge my aching muscles of the twinge or pain in my back as I hunched forward.

"Kira" she said softly as she held the coffee in front of me.

The thick aroma of roasted coffee hit my senses but I couldn't bring myself to grab the styrofoam cup. Though my throat burned from the screaming and lack of hydration, I couldn't bring myself to be thirsty. It just didn't feel right. The gnawing feeling in my gut kept telling me I couldn't sleep, eat or drink. Do anything for that matter, until I knew D'Angelo was okay.

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