Chapter 42

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Copyrights © 2015 Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 42:

After three days of sitting in the side chair next to D'Angelo, Gino has dragged me back to the mansion. I, of course, had put up a fight but that gorilla of a man had dragged me through the hospital kicking and screaming. Hating Gino was an understatement in this scenario.

Deep down I knew he was just trying to look after me, but I could careless about my own health right now. D'Angelo was more important and I was going to kill Gino for taking me away from him. My eyes watered at the thought of leaving my beautiful D'Angelo alone in the hospital, his skin palm and clammy. His thick lashes resting gently against his high cheek bones. He looked so innocent and fragile it broke my heart.

"You fucking bastard!" I snarled at Gino. My fists slamming into his back as he carried me around the mansion.

"Call me that all you like cousin, it won't help you" he laughed. "That and your not strong enough to get out of my hold so why don't you just give up?"

His arms tightened around my legs restricting my movement. I wanted to kill him now more than ever. In the last few days Gino had grow custom to calling my cousin, and while I had accepted it easily because it didn't bother me. The way he spoke right now irritated me. He was being condescending and arrogant. His normal self and at any other time I would be used to it and just laugh it off but right now I wanted to punch his head in.

I ground my teeth together holding back the scream of frustration I wanted so badly to let out. Struggling against Gino again, I found my body tiring out. So much energy had been spent into worrying over D'Angelo. Watching him sleep, watching over him. Helping the nurses after I refused to let D'Angelo be alone. It all took so much out of me that I was beginning to find it hard to fight against Gino. That of course didn't mean I wouldn't go without a fight.

"I swear to god Gino if you don't put me down right now and let me get back to D'Angelo, I'll murder you" I hissed at him.

His chest vibrated with laughter against my tights. A sharp pain came to my rear as Gino's laughter turned into cackling. I gasped in outrage a new anger building up in me as my fists thudded into his back continuing what I knew was useless but after Gino's treatment towards me I could careless.

Gino's behavior towards me had pushed me over the edge. The fact that he had the audacity to even think of touching me like that made me want to rip his head off. In the back of my mind I knew Gino was only playing around, trying to lighten the mood but I was having none of it. At this point I really couldn't see why Adrianna had fallen for him. He was being a prick, not nearly the crude man I had met the first time, but a prick nonetheless.

The corridor that lead to D'Angelo's room caught my attention. My chest constricting with memories of our little encounters in this hallway. The first time D'Angelo had brought me here, storming out. But the memories that were most promo ate where the ones of us when I had started living here roughly three weeks ago.

The stollen kisses he would take from me as I followed him out of the bedroom before he left for "work". The heated glances. He gave me as he had me pressed up against the wall. I could feel a ghost of his lips on mine, his touch. Every single moment ran through me, every touch and his scent hit me in a thick wave and I knew it would worsen the second Gino brought me in out D'Angelo's room.

The swirling intoxication of D'Angelo's scent hit me like a brick wall. Suddenly my lungs constricted. My eyes welling up with tears. Being here was just to much. Knowing that the man I'm in love with was in such a critical condition. That he may not come back to this house was breaking me apart.

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