Chapter 15

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Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 15:

My heart stopped in my chest as my Father's gaze locked on me. I was in complete and utter shock.

Did he seriously just do that?!

Did my own brother deliberately sell me out like that in front of my Father just because he wanted answers?!

That was all that was running through my mind as I sat there dumbstruck with no idea what to say. I was dead, I was utterly dead, and it was all my brother's fault.

"What the hell are you talking about Santo!" Dad all but growled.

Santo merely shrugged not looking anyone in the eye as he sat back down slumping in his chair. From the look on his face, I could tell that he hadn't meant to blurt that out but like all Abate men, Santo had let his anger and simple-mindedness get the better of him. Sadly, this time his little simple mind has gotten me in trouble.

"Nothing Father" he mumbled, he was so quiet that I was barely able to hear him, but I knew dad had as he turned to me with accusing eyes.

"Kira, what is he talking about?" his voice was deathly calm and that worried me even more because when he was calm it meant he was containing his anger before he really let it out. And when my father let out his anger you had better run for the hills because it wasn't a pretty sight to see. My heart plummeted to my stomach as fear of my father's reaction seized me.

"I don't know what to say" I muttered, anger flared in me as my brother Santo there like a child who had been punished and I was left to clean up his mess.

"Well you better bloody figure it out" my dad barked at me, the decibels in his voice making me jump out of my skin because I hadn't expected it from him.

"Figlio, lasciare la povera ragazza da sola" (Son, leave the poor girl alone) Nonna tsked at my father as she got up and came over to me wrapping her arm around my shoulders. My father shot to his feet.

"Leave her alone! Mama the girl is obviously hiding something from me and if it involves that Calabrese boy I want to know!" he yelled as he paced the room in front of us. The tension in his body was evident as his shoulder hunched forward and his jaw clenched.

"Kira" Donavan's voice came from down the hall and his footsteps indicated that he was close.

My father stopped pacing and just looked at me, his eyes showing he was still angry and there was a slight twinge of disappointment in them that had my stomach sinking, but I pushed it away as Donavan stood in the doorway.

"Kira, I'm sorry but the station just called me in and I wasn't able to get out of it I have to go" he said resentfully, his beautiful hazel eyes showing much how disappointed he was and that he didn't want to leave making my stomach flutter.

Without thinking I jumped at the chance to be away from my father and his scrutinizing gaze, I didn't want Donavan to leave, but there was no way he could get out of work and if walking him to the door would help me get away from my Father then I would walk him out.

"I'll walk you out" I said quickly, not missing the unimpressed look my Father gave me, signaling that he knew what I was up to and that I was going to be in trouble for running away later.

Donavan's eyes ran over the room, and I sensed his cop instincts kicking in as he eyed my Father before raising an eyebrow at me. It was obvious that he had evaluated the situation and understood that I needed an escape route. Hell, I wouldn't have even been surprised if he'd heard my Father's outburst and knew the situation I was in.

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