Chapter 10

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Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


 Chapter 10:

After I had finally explained everything to Adrianna and she had let me get dressed. She insisted that we go out for lunch and I happily obliged for my own selfish reasons. I didn't want to be alone right now. If I was alone it I would have my bathroom break down all over again and wallow in my own misery for the dumbest reason. Well, that was at least what Adrianna referred my cry fest too. Yep, she had conned that out of me too.

I knew it was stupid because I had been sulking over D'Angelo and something that hadn't even started with him, but I couldn't help it. I had realized that for some reason I would have wanted a relationship with D'Angelo, and that wasn't going to happen, firstly, because he only saw me as conquest, well at least he used too. Secondly, because what the hell was I thinking. I knew this guy for two seconds, he tried to dominate me. He tried forcing himself on me, and no matter how attracted I was to him I shouldn't be thinking or acting like this. 

I should have been relieved that he wouldn't bother me anymore after this morning and that I wouldn't have to resist temptation with him anymore but it was still upsetting to think that he didn't want me, that I had been stupid enough to feel something for him. I didn't know what it was nor did I understand what it was but it was something. 

"Will you stop with the staring out into space" Adrianna sighed in frustration as she got in the car.

"I'm not" I said quickly to defend myself as I got in the passenger seat.

"Oh, but you are honey, come on, we'll go have lunch and tonight I'll take you out, we'll have some fun and you can forget about that douche-bag" she insisted as she started the car and pulled out of my driveway.

"Yes, because that worked out so well last night" I grumbled to myself remembering how she demanded last night that going out would take my mind off of D'Angelo.

"You know I'm starting to think that going out really isn't helping my situation Adri" I told her truthfully.

Looking over at Adrianna she just rolled her eyes and I was glad that she hadn't taken any offense. We had been friends for a long time and we were always open with each other so it was hard to offend each other. We always made sure that we were honest with each other, so when I told Adrianna that I felt like her plans to get me to go out and get drunk were a bad idea she knew I meant it, but that still didn't stop her from dragging me into her crazy schemes.

"Whatever, missy you are so uptight you need to get out, get drunk and get laid forget about that a-grade asshole and live a little" she said with a cunning look on her face that  just told me she was planning something and there was no way in hell I was going to be able to get out of it. 

"Do you not remember how last night turned out, please Adri, I don't wanna go through that again, I don't wanna wake up with a killer hangover because I was careless with my drinking" I groaned as I slumped against the car seat and squeezed my eyes shut as my brain started to pound with the memory of my hangover from this morning.

"Who said tonight will end up like last night" she said coyly as if she was completely innocent. 

I scoffed playfully at her and slapped her arm. "I do. Knowing you, you have something planned that will definitely get us in trouble" I rubbed my temples as my head continued to pound. Yeah, I really didn't need to go out clubbing again, I paid enough this morning. 

The Gun Wants Me *currently writing and editing*Where stories live. Discover now