Chapter 4

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Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 4:

I sat down in the living room surrounded by my family, Alberto, D'Angelo and his two henchmen while glaring at my grandmother.

To say I was pissed was an understatement. The reason I was glaring at my grandmother was because she had lied to me about saying goodbye to our guest, she used saying goodbye as an excuse to get me to come downstairs and sit down with everyone in the living room and 'socialize'.

Her actual intention was to make me suffer and interact with everyone before they left in the next hour or so. I knew my grandmother, she could be very sneaky. This was her own little way of getting back at me for skipping out on dinner, and the worst part was I was stuck between D'Angelo – no thanks to my lovely grandmother who insisted I sit with him – and my brother who was completely oblivious to what D'Angelo was doing, in fact, everyone in the room was completely oblivious to what D'Angelo was doing.

Everyone was sitting around conversing with each other when D'Angelo decided to do the old yawn and stretch routine. At first, I rolled my eyes at how cliché it routine was but once his hand touched my bare shoulder sending shock all over my body I fidgeted trying to get out of his grasp without my brother noticing and narrowed my eyes at D'Angelo.

"Bella, your necklace is slipping" he breathed into my ear his hot sweet breath brushing over my ear and down my neck making me shiver.

I clutched my hands into fists hating the reaction I was having towards him. Why did he have to be like this? Why did I have to be attracted to him? And why was he toying with me while my family was right in front of us?

I stiffened as his fingertip ran along my skin leaving a hot trail of goosebumps where he touched me, his fingertips dipped over my collar bone before trailing up and brushing along my necklace until he moved it in a place where he liked it the whole time his sweet hot breath tickled my skin. I kept my body stiff, trying to hold off the shivers I felt and the urge to grab him and jump his bones in front of my family, I had never felt like this before and it scared me as well as excited me.

"Do you enjoy my touch bella?" he whispered seductively in my ear.

My whole body flushed, and I couldn't hold back the shiver the erupted in my body. I bit my lip and hoped none of my family had noticed what was going on between D'Angelo and I.

"By your reaction, I think you love my touch il mio amore" he whispered again, his voice going down an octave and becoming hot and seductive. He had a bedroom voice that was for sure and he was making me keep my hands to myself very hard to do.

My breath caught when he called me his love, my heart sped up and the thought of actually being his love. God he was toying with my emotions! What the hell was wrong with me! I shouldn't be feeling like this and he shouldn't be calling me these names and teasing me, we had just met. This was so wrong on so many levels.

"Cat got your tongue il mio amore?" he asked, his lips brushing the shell of my ear as he spoke.

I bit the inside of my cheek holding back a moan. Why God? Why was he doing this to me?

He chuckled his breath fanning my neck. I mentally curse myself as another shiver ran through me. The conniving bastard knew what he was doing to me and he was enjoying it by the sound of his chuckle.

His fingertips trail back down their fiery path his left hand going back to my shoulder discreetly while his right hand trailed down my arm, caressed the side of my body traced over my hip until his finger trailed over my thigh. I shut my eyes tightly and bit my lip holding back another moan. God, I hated this torture, I hated him for doing this to me.

The Gun Wants Me *currently writing and editing*Where stories live. Discover now