Chapter 9

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Copyrights 2013 © Elena Sgro 

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 9:

Warmth curled around me as I stretched and yawned, before snuggling deeper. I winced as my head pounded. I groaned in my sleep and felt something warm tighten around me.

I felt something tickle the skin on my face and I moaned in annoyance as I brought my hand up to slap it away.

There was rumbled chuckle and my brow furrowed as I tried to place it. I had absolutely no idea where I was and what was going on.

My eye lids fluttered, and I saw red before my eyelids indicating that it was indeed day and I has to get up.

I tried to think about what happened last night but all I gain was a splitting headache and defeat as I came up with nothing.

"I know you're awake il mio amore" said a strong muscular voice.

My brow furrowed deeper, it sounded familiar, but I just couldn't place it, somehow my brain was telling me I shouldn't be hearing this voice in the morning and this close but I also found comfort by this voice.

Like a bomb my mind clicked and exploded in pain as I shot up my eyes prying open as I hissed in pain from my splitting headache and scrambled out of the warm bed away from the one man that I told myself to stay away from and fell on my ass with a thud.

"Shit Kira you okay?" his voice said in worry.

I blinked up at him my eyes sensitive to the light as I tried to distinguish his figure that hovered over me from the bed.

My stomach turned and lurched with an urgency to be emptied.

"Bathroom?" I gagged as I tried to hold back the vomit threatening to heave up my esophagus and dodge his question.

He pointed towards a door and I shot up like a rocket wasting no time as I stubbled towards the door and pushed the door open heading straight for the toilet. I heaved and coughed as I emptied my stomach into the toilet bowl.

Warm hands pulled back my hair from my face and rubbed my back while D'Angelo's soft voiced cooed to me. I couldn't comprehend anything he said, I was too busy throwing up.

Once my stomach was empty and the heaving slowed, I grabbed some toilet paper close by and wiped my mouth before flushing it all away. My stomach calmed and I groaned as the pounding of my head returned. Well, it had never really gone away, but I was too distracted when I was throwing up to notice my killer headache.

"What are you doing here D'Angelo?"

He chuckled and my eyes widened as I realized I had just said that out loud. "This is my house il mio amore" he murmured as he gently pulled me away from the toilet. His arms curled around me as he shuffled back before pulling me against him so that my back leaned on his chest and sat between his legs.

I licked my lips as I felt his chest moved with his breathing against my back, his smooth muscled ches- Snap out of it Kira! I scowled myself for thinking about his delicious body.

"Please stop calling me that" I grumbled as I tried to get away from him but his grip around me was so strong that I couldn't even move an inch away from him.

"And what else would I call you il mio amore" he said, his voice low and husky as his breath tickled my ear and made me shiver against him.

My body heated up against his warm skin and my pounding head grew worse as I frowned at my own reaction towards him.

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