Chapter 3

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Harry's POV*

"Harry, what the actually-"

"Louis, please not now?" I pleaded him.

"You have to get up!" He ripped the cover off me, and I felt how the cold air hit my body. "It's eleven!"

"But we're free!" I groaned.

"Get up!" He groaned.

"I don't want to!" I whined back to him.

"Haz, if you continue like this, you're gonna get mad!" He sighed. "Get up! Or I'll make you!"

"I'll be down in a few!" I groaned. 

He sighed when he turned around and walked out of the door. I sighed as well, and sat up in the bed. I rubbed my forehead, and let out a big yawn. I looked to my right, on the picture of Sandy. It's a daily routine by now, looking at it every time I wake up.

Did that sound weird? Or like I'm addicted to see her? No, addicted is wrong word! I feel a urge to see her, especially when I can't hold or kiss her! Yeah, that sounded good!

I widened my eyes when I realised that my phone was sounding, and I grabbed it quickly. I had overslept, it's soon half past 11, and I just woke up!

I slide my finger over the screen, without looking who was calling, and brought it up to my ear.


"Hello Harry! It's Donna!" I heard that light little voice, and I immediately woke up.

"Yes, hi!" I said politely. "How's Sandy?"

"She's better! Still sad, wouldn't expect anything else, and she pinch herkself. But she's getting better!" I smiled when I heard that.

"That's great!" I looked back to the photo. "Is she eating?"

"Yes, very little, but it's a start!" She said low. "She misses you. She doesn't talk about it, I guess she don't want the girls to know too much, but I can see that she misses you!"

"Yeah, I miss her too..." I sighed. "But it's not to long until Christmas!" I said happy.

"No, it's not!" I heard some mumblings in the background, that sounded like Sandy. I smiled just by hearing her talk faint.

"Is it Sandy?" I asked, smiling.

"Yes, sorry!" She mumbled. "Yes it was Sandy! She says hi" My lips curved up in a smile. 

"Say hi from me too!"

"I will! She left me thou! She is probably going to Sarah!"

"Who's Sarah?" I frowned.

"One of the girls here! They're getting on really well, and seems to get really close friends!"

"Good that she makes friends! She hasn't really had one real friend before..." I said sadly. "I hope they help each other!"


Sandy's POV*

"No, it's not!" Donna said through the phone, and waved at me when I looked in to the room.

"Is it Harry?" I asked slowly. She smiled, and nodded. "Can you please say hi from me?" I pleaded. If I have a weak spot, he's that spot! 

"Yes, sorry." She said in the phone. "Yes it was Sandy! She says hi!" She smiled at me. I waved a little, and left the room, letting her talk alone. I know it's mostly me they talk about, but I don't actually like to interrupt when people talks over phone. 

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