Chapter 20

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Sandy's POV*

Me and Harry was sitting onto the couch, cuddled up to each other in to corner; I was leaning against him with a Santa hat placed onto the top of my head. Sarah was sitting in the other corner, watching the TV. She was holding a cup of tea, impatiently tapping with her fingers against the pottery. We was watching the Grinch as we all was waiting for Harry's family to arrive; they had been an hour late, due to some problem with the traffic. The traffic during Christmas was awful, we all knew that. People waited to the last second tp get going to their destination. 

"Can I use the toilet?" Sarah's weak voice mumbled, making both me and Harry turn our heads towards her with raised eyebrows. A deep chuckled left Harry's lips that made Sarah frown, I knew how paranoid she could be, and me hit him on his arm. 

"You don't need to ask, Sarah." I smiled to her. I glanced over at Harry, who nodded along to agree with me. "Go use it, take a shower if you want to. It's towels in the cupboard." She smiled as she removed herself from the couch, making it creak.

"She's adorable." Harry mumble in my ear. His breath fanned it, and a smile crept up on my face.

"I know." I breathed out, snuggling even closer to him as I watched the green creature onto the screen. His phone buzzed from where it was laying onto my stomach, he had placed it there since I didn't want to move from the comfortable position. His big hand grabbed it, and his finger sweaped over the screen to unlock it. 

"They're in London now." Harry mumbled.

"So, they're here soon?" 

"In a hour or so." He typed a quick reply, telling them we was exited for them to come. 

"Soon." I mumbled, feeling my smile increase. I looked over to the Christmas-tree that was standing in the corner, feeling the happiness I had been longing for. "I'm hungry."

"I love when those words leaves your mouth." I looked at him, frowning slightly. His lips suddenly pressed against the spot between my eyes, making me flutter my eyes closed. "You know what I mean! I love you." He mumbled, giving me a sweet smile.

"I love you too." I sighed, moving my sight back to the movie. 

We both got quiet, and I laid back against his torso, listening to the breaths he made, and how his heart was beating calmly in his chest. It had been a sound that made me calm these last days, to hear that he's close by the sound of his heartbeats. I felt like a baby for being like that, and I had yet to admitted it for him, but just to know that he was there, he wasn't miles away from me yet, it made me feel safer than before. 

I could hear the shower running from upstairs, and the TV that was full on going. My nose was filled with the smell of food that me and Harry had been preparing the whole day for his family, me, him and Sarah. And may I say, we were both really proud of what we had done. 

We had decided to wait with the presents to each other, and to Sarah. We had both gotten something for her, he felt like he needed to do it, even if she was saying that we shouldn't do that at all. 

When a hour had passed, and Sarah was done showering and changing, we was interrupted from the door, right in the end of the movie. I had been roughly removed from Harry's lap as he hurriedly, like a kid on Christmas, went for the utter door. I looked at Sarah, who looked like she was ready to make a run for it, and gave her a reassuring smile as I heard my name being called from the hall by Harry. 

When I made an appearance there, I was embraced by a hug by Gemma, who I hugged back with as much happiness as she had, and listened to her as she mumbled how happy she was that  I were okay, how much her family loves me, or our family, as she refereed to. 

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