Chapter 14

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Sandy's POV*

You would think that dating a celebrity would be all glamour and fabulous; fancy house, fancy life, celebrity friends, money. But there's always a backside of the life; that part of the fancy life that no one thinks of. What made this all worth for me, was Harry and his family.

It got closer and closer to Christmas, something I was looking forward to. Not only to get out; believe me, this place have made me feel better than I have felt in years! But I was looking forward for the feeling on Christmas! Last year, I barely remembers what I was doing on Christmas, I've probably pushed the memory away.

To my surprise, Sarah was as excited as I was, and had already started to pack her belongings; even if it was 27 days left before we left.

Harry had, against my will, decided to buy me gifts for Christmas, that probably will cost more than my wardrobe does. I had told Donna to tell him off from buying anything, something he chose to not listen to of course.

I was basically having panic over Christmas, I had to buy them something, anything! I had a small amount of money left on my bank account, and I won't let Harry give me money for it. Rich or not, it doesn't quite feel right to do so. I wanna be independent, as much as I like the idea of someone taking care of me.

Another thing they'd decided back in London, was that we were celebrating New years together with the lads, and eventually friends and girlfriends. Like a big get-together, a great opportunity to set up Sarah and Niall. Evil plan, I know, but I think he's exactly what she needs; someone who cares about her.

Something that poor girl hadn't experienced before. I was lucky my family loved me, she had no one, other that abusing foster parents. The poor girl had been through too much for my liking; I've never liked when people I care about gets hurt, or have been hurt before. I pained me, to know what happened her, even if thing's have happened me too, it wasn't the same. I didn't care about myself, but I care about her. And that's exactly why I know she needs a prince in her life, like prince Charming.

"You're scaring me." Sarah's voice startled me, making me snap my head towards her. She had a book in her lap, that were opened, and her eyes was scanning over the page once again, like they had before she talked. "You zoned out."

"I was thinking." I shrugged, and tapped my fingers against my thigh from boredom.

"Of your knight in armour?" A smirk played on her lips. It had slowly growth to a normal thing, her teasing me for my longing for him. And as a part of her amusing actions, at least amusing for her, my cheeks heated up. 

"That one, yeah." I mumbled, and covered my cheeks with my hands.

"You know, I love these reactions from you. What are you even thinking of?"

"Christmas. I still don't know what to buy." I groaned. "What exactly do you buy to a popstar, who can afford anything easily?"

"Something small." She shrugged, and continued to scan her eyes over the page, flipping it when she was done. "I mean, he's used to expensive stuff, so he'll appreciate the  small things, especially when it's from you."

"You should write a book or something." I stated, and tapped my finger again. "Something small you say..."

"You seem kinda despair, girl. How hard can it be?"

"But, he can get anything he want-" 

"Stop being anxious, Sands!" Sarah cut me off, giving me a look to shut me up. "He'll love whatever you'll buy him. And I'll follow, because I won't stay there with him, alone."

"Fair enough." She smiled, and went back to reading, completely getting into her own little world, surrounded by words and letters. 

A sudden hit of realization flowed over me, making me tap my finger again. We were going in 27 days, I was counting them carefully every day. Time flows by, you know. And the sad part is, I'll miss this place a bit, even if it sounds horrible. But I'll miss the people here, who's nice at least. 

We'd checked our weight yesterday, and when Ii had stepped onto the scale, Donna happily told me that I had gained 3 pounds, in two months. A lump had appeared in my throat when she said that, and I had looked down at my legs in horror. My old pants, that were size 0, was fitting again, and they were awfully lose before I came here. I were slowly gaining, enough to it to be visible, I had gained about 6 pounds in 4 months, something I hadn't taken quite well. The voice inside me wasn't gone, not completely, but I was getting better.

Sarah's sigh could be heard from beside me, and how she flipped a page again. We were alone in one of the rooms that was open for everyone, while the others were outside. None of us was really hyped on going out, when none of us was feeling quite good. Sarah's mental health was getting better, slowly but safe, but even the best gets breakdowns. Yesterday, I found her in her room, tears streaming down her face, and with a look of hurt, and sadness. Her hands were shaking when she saw me, and tears was starting to roll down her face again. And she was impossible to calm down, even if she claims it wasn't as bad as it used to be. It scared me, honestly. 

"You shouldn't think so much." 

"What?" I asked confused, frowning at her. She had a sly smile on her lips, and brought her finger up to my cheek, poking it. 

"How about you buy a necklace?"

"A what?" I choked out, looking at her like she had grown a third head. 

"A necklace, like with your initials or something."

"That's actually the best idea ever!" I exclaimed, and embraced her in a tight hug.

"Well, you know..." She smiled, and flipped her hair. "I think he would like it, but don't take anything girly."

"I'm not stupid, Sarah." I rolled my eyes, and looked at her with my lips pouting. I watched her as she shook her head at me, while giggling at my childish behaviour.

"Whatever you say." She chuckled, and went back to her book, shutting me out completely. It was interesting to watch her read; she didn't hear a thing. She was so concentrated in the story, that she shut everything else out of her world. It wasn't like I, who barely could concentrate enough to read short novels, yet along a thick book.

And maybe that's why I failed English class? Pretty sure it is. 

I leaned back against the backrest of the couch, closing my eyes. Immediately, I saw Harry's face in my mind, smiling at me. Lines from little things made their way into my mind as well, making me want to sit down and cry. Missing isn't enough to describe it, I feel completely lost without him. And maybe he feels the same about me, that he's lost without me, even if they're busy working on their new tour. A smile played on my lips, a proud smile, before I dozed off, disappearing into the world only I imagine in my dreams, filled with things that  makes me happy. A world, I often wish were existing, only to realize this was reality, not my dreams.


Soo, it's been a while... I'm sorry... School started last week, and I'm going the last year now, which means we've got 'national tests' as they're called in Swedish, next year, at spring... God, have mercy, aye?

The movie was pretty awesome... I cried through it... Kinda much... And before, weird things happened... Really weird things O.o I don't even know how to put it into words, but yeah, it was a fun day :P Can't write 'xD' anymore thou... Totally not my fault... She asked for it... Ish...

As usually, I'm feeling odd, Idk, I would need to go to a therapist or something -.-' But yeah, I'll stick to Wattpad instead! And as you've seen, it gets closer and closer until they'll meet again! ^-^ But, that won't be the end! :D I've got too much ideas for this! :D And I'll try to update it faster... But the Niall fanfic is soon done, it's not too many chapters left, so I can focus on this more!

Long A/N, sorry! I'm suprised if anyone reads them! Stay beautiful!

Small bump~ **Sequel to IASH**Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat