Chapter 23

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Sandy's POV* 

I was roughly awaken when Harry's phone went off, signaling that he had gotten a message, my body wriggling in discomfort from the sound. A groan was released from Harry's mouth as I did, and the arm that was wrapped over my stomach were lowed slightly, so it was resting just under my bellybutton. I inhaled a deep breath, relaxing into his body when his fingers ran small circels on the fabric to my shirt. 

When his phone went off a second time, I scrunched my nose and sat up bravely, rubbing my eyes to be able to see without any blurriness. However, when Harry stretched his hand out to get his phone, I laid down in the opposite direction of the couch, resting my head onto one of the pillows who laid there, and closed my eyes yet again. 

Chuckle was heard as the couch shuffled, Harry shifting closer to me. My legs were carefully lifted up, just enough for Harry to move closer, before brought down to rest onto his lap. His hand gently stroke my leg, creating goosebumps on my skin.

"Sandy?" I hummed in response to him, opening one eye to look at him. "Better now?"

"Much." I mumbled as I gave him a smile, opening my other eye as well. "Thank you." His smile was reassuring as he continued with his actions, comforting me for the event I hadn't told him about. I stretched my arm out, grabbing onto his hand and intertwining our fingers as his thumb started to rub the side of my own. 

"You need anything?" I gently shook my head, smiling at him. "I'm sorry I weren't home, Louis called for me to help him move a couch." 

As he talked, I slowly sat up, letting his arm slip around my back to support me, and to move me up on his lap completely. Our hands let o of each other, and both his arms wrapped around me, keeping me in place where I sat. I raised my left hand, playing with the chain he had around his neck; the chain he got from me. My lips curved up in a smile as I looked at him through my eyelashes. 

"It's okay." I reassured as I leaned my head against his shoulder, feelin how he let out a deep breath from his lungs. "We need to visit Sarah." I mumbled as my hand found it's wat to Harry's collarbone, and my index finger started to follow the lines of one of the birds that were tattooed there. 

"We can do it tomorrow; the visiting hours are over." 

"You're free tomorrow?" I looked up at him hopefully.

"Yep." He smiled. "It's new years eve, so none of us planned of even allow work. The boy's coming over too."

"We need to cook then..." I trailed off, tapping my index finger against his chest. "Can't we try to get Sarah out from the hospital? At least for a day?"

"You think they would allow that?" He frowned.

"We could try." He nodded, pressing a kiss to my forehead. 

"I'll talk to them." 

"Thank you." I smiled, pressing my lips to his cheek, letting them linger there for a second longer. 

We sat there for a moment, in silence. The only sound coming from the TV that was  still on, now showing a old episode of Friends. My hand had made it's way to Harry's arm, gently moving my finers over his tattoos. He was watching my hands movement, still holding me in a tight embrace. One of his hands was running up and down my back, a movement that he knew calmed me down.

"What happened earlier?" Harry asked curiously, leaning his head against me.

"I got mobbed." I mumbled, shivers running down my spine. 

"I'm sorry." Harry mumbled, removing his head. When I looked up at him, he had leaned his head backward, eyes scrunched together tightly. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." His hand clenched when I said that, and a shaky breath was inhaled. Carefully, I moved my hand up to his forehead, gently tugging strands curls away from it. "Don't blame yourself. I could have been more carefully." I smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. 

"I should have been there, looked after you." He mumbled pained, hos eyes closed as we rested our foreheads together. "I'm the one who should be mobbed, not you."

"It's okay, Harry. I promises." 

"You didn't seem okay earlier." He stated, closing his eyes. Imagies from earlier filled my mind, all the tears I cried. 

Harry's expression said it all, he blamed himself for it, overreacting over it. His frow created a crinkle between his eyes, and his whole body was tensed. My hand carressed his cheek, making his eyes flung open to look at me. 

"Do you really think it's being with me if you get mobbed like that?" He whispered, moving his hand up to cup my cheek.

"Yes, I do." I breathed. "I love you, Harry." 

"I love you too, sweetie." He sighed. "Did you even get to the shop?" 

"I did." I nodded, my eyes flicking towards the bag that were placed onto the table. "And Ii should put it away as well so nothing gets destroyed." With a kiss pressed to his cheek, I removed myself from his lap, giving him a reassuring smile. His hand found mine again as he pulled himself up, our fingers intertwined as we walked towards the kitchen. 

The groceries were removed in a comfortable silence, small glances sent in each others direction as we did. When we were done, I found myself in Harry's embrace, my body trapped in between his and the counter. A soft kiss were pressed to my lips as his hands moved to my hips, and a smile tugged on his lips, curving them upwards. My arms wrapped around his neck slowly, one hand tugging softly on his curls as he bent his head down again, giving me a deeper kiss. 

My body pressed against his as a reflex due to the passionately gesture,  tingles running through me as we continued to move our lips together with passion. His hands ran up and down my sides when we broke apart, enough to let us take a breath each. His forehead rested against mine, and a dimpled smile was placed on his face. 

"I love you." He mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "So much."

"How much?" 

"So much that I would love to be the father of your future children someday." My face tingled, a smile showing as he spoke those words. It was an amazing feeling to her him utter those words, that Ii meant so much to him. It showed love. 

"You would be a perfect dad someday." I promised, bringing his head towards me, pressing our lips lovingly togheter.

My mind were all over the place as we kissed, happiness filling me completely. Kids. It felt so far away to have kids someday, especially since we were currently so young. But the thought of someday having a kid with Harry, it felt surreal. 

But only the thought that he had said that, he would love to be the father of my kids someday. It felt special, way more special than when we got together. Because this weren't something you just say. That's something you say to plan your future. 

And Harry just admitted he wants me in his future. That's a special feeling.


I'm almost in tears, but I can't cry T-T My family is around. 

I really don't look forward to stop this story, but luckily I've a few more things planned for this story before we have to say goodbye to Sazzy! ^-^ How do you feel about the end? :D Like I said,  I've got a few happy tears in my eyes!

I've seriously almost got 200 votes on this book O.O That's just plain awesome-ness! And 4.5 k reads ^-^ I can't thank you all enough! I'm speechless! You all have a special place in my heart! :3

See ya next update! :P

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