Chapter 24

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Sandy's POV* 

The following day, 31 December to be specific, me Harry and Sarah were all sitting in Harry's car, on our way from the hospital where Sarah had been these past days. Harry was sat in the front by himself, me and Sarah were sitting behind, safe from peoples eyes since the windows were faded. Sarah had not been a fan of the rumours that had been made up when I brought her there. They weren't so bad, most of them claimed that we were siblings. But she weren't used to it. 

The ride were quiet, despite the radio that was currently playing James Blunt. 

There had been difficult to talk around the doctor, making him agree to us taking Sarah home. Harry failed with it, even if he's 'the' Styles. But when Harry had encouraged me to go talk to him, and I had explained for him that I knew what I was doing, that Sarah would listen to me and that I would make sure to get her to eat, he agreed. With difficulty. It was amusing though to see him when he decided to let her go, he had a pained expression. 

And when we told Sarah that all the boys were coming to celebrate the new year, she looked at us like she had seen a ghost. She obviously could handle Harry, since he, like she said, was my boyfriend. But the other four in the group was something else. Which was something me and Harry found hilarious. Harry knew, against Sarah's will, about her crush on Niall. And he had not so smoothly told her, which resulted in the worlds worst glare, dedicated to me. 

But she came to sense when we announced we were leaving, and that we would just check her out, and the teenage-girl of her took over, she were excited. I couldn't blame her either, who wouldn't be excited?

A muttering of curses rang through the car, making both me and Sarah dart our vision towards the front, to witness the ocean of people that were on the street, just outside the house. 

"Can't they take a break." He groaned. In the mirror I could see that he were frowning, and his eyes continuously darted towards me, meeting my own eyes. I looked to my left, seeing how Sarah tensed. 

"Is it just fans?" I mumbled, looking back at the road curiously. 

"I guess it's some paparazzis to." He muttered, honking rapidly. 

"Sarah, you okay?" I got a mumble in response, I guess the stress were creeping up on her. 

"I can park close to the gate, so can you two step out on Sarah's side." He mumbled as the crowd started to back away from the car. 

I don't think Sarah took a proper breath until we had gotten inside the house, with Harry closely behind us. The relief on her face was something I had never seen before, she had been really scared out there. And not soon after we had the door locked, she hurried of with her bag to her room, leaving me and Harry looking at her as she walked up the stairs. I listened intensely at her footsteps, until Harry placed a hand on my back, breaking my trance.

"You're just gonna stand here?" He chuckled when I mumbled a no in response, softly pressing his hand towards my back to signal for me to move forward. I walked as I listen intensely, trying to hear if she was still walking around. When I heard the shower start, I couldn't help but chuckle, and letting out a relived breath. "Worried?"

"Way too worried for my own good." I mumbled. "When are the boys coming over?"

"At six." 

"And the time is..?"

"Like one." Harry called. I turned around to look at him, but found that he werebn't behind me as I first thought. He had walked into the kitchen. "We should start cook now."


"I didn't knew you could cook." Louis groaned as he patted his belly. "I mean, that was some mean food." I smiled faintly as Harry squeezed my knee.

"Harry helped though." I mumbled, turning to look at him. He surprised me with a kiss on my forehead. 

"But you did most of the work." I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. He chuckled as I did, and pressed yet another kiss to my forehead. My eyes flicked towards Sarah, who was in a heated conversation with Zayn and Niall about Zayn's wedding. They hadn't told me that Zayn and Harry were engaged until when he came, and I saw the ring, and literally pressed every detail out from him. Harry had watched amused as I practically grilled his friend, but weren't so happy when I turned to him, and asked him why he hadn't told me. And during that time, Liam, Niall and Louis were just about to die from laughter. Zayn and Sarah soon joined them when Harry stuttered as he answered me, telling me he had forgotten to tell me. He didn't said that without adding 'I was too excited to see you to remember'. And that comment won me over to him again, no joke. 

 As time went on, we decided to start a movie to watch. We ended up taking what was in the DVD already, which were the Grinch, the movie me and Harry last watched and never bothered to put away again. 

 Me and Harry were, as usually, cuddled up with each other. Liam had pointed it out, that we had became more cuddling when I came back. Harry however agreed, and I can't do anything else either. Most of the time we spent together were only us two cuddling and talking, the two things I hadn't been able to do when I was at the rehab. It was something Ii had missed doing, and he surely had too. 

As midnight slowly crept closer, we had seen two movies, and were in the middle of an episode of Friends. There were crisps and candy on the small table in front of the couch, and it weren't much left in it. Even me and Sarah had managed to take a few bites. 

Five minutes until midnight, Harry decided we should all go to the backyard, literally forcing us to get dressed. I didn't even get time to take my beanie as he hurried. So when we stood out there in the cold, watching the pitch black sky, I stole his green beanie, gently placing it on my hair. I gave Harry a playfully smile, which he returned with a roll of his eyes, but he let me have it anyway. 

"A minute now." He mumbled in my ear, his warm breath fanning the side of my face. Evryone were watching Louis, who was checking the time on his phone. We had no drinks what-so-ever, not that that really mattered now. And when the fireworks started to explode into the sky, I was happy to be brought against Harry. Our lips barely touched as we kissed lightly, but my arms were still holding him around his neck. But as he kissed me yet again, one of my hands cupped his face. I could feel his dimple when he smiled into the kiss, almost breaking it off with it. But we managed to keep kissing, and oh what a start that were on the new year.


I've been thinking a lot about how to end this story, and I've come up with that it'll be max 10 more chapters, not more! And yeah, after that I hope I've written the most of my other, unpublished story so I can start post that! :D I've got so many different ideas it's ridicoulos!

Thank you for 200 votes! <3 I love you all sooooooo much! :D

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