Chapter 11

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Harry's POV*

"Harry, it's Simon." Louis muttered when he walked past me, handing me my phone that he had answered while I was stepping out from the shower. Sighing, I brought my phone up to my ear, watching as Louis left. He was unusually grumpy; due to a fight he had with Eleanor yesterday. 

"Yeah?" I said in the phone, starting to walk towards my room to get changed.

"Harry! Just the lad I wanted to talk with!" 

"Obviously when you called to my phone." I mumbled, rolling my eyes. "What's up?"

"I've got a interview booked for you, just you, for a gossip show." Oh joy? 

"When?" I groans, and slumps down onto my bed. Water drips down my bare back, making me shiver. 

"14th November." He says casually, I can almost see him shrug in front of me. "They obviously have questions about Sandy, no denying."

"And they would totally love to be first with an interview about all this." I pull on my curls, feeling how the frustration grows inside me by the matter of seconds. 

"Do you have any idea what to say?"

"No..." I sighs out. "She told me to say the truth, but how easy is that? I'll basically have to open up her whole past for the world, and if I doesn't there will be more rumours than it already is."

"I know it's hard, Harry..."

"But have you ever been forced to tell the whole world about how your girlfriend is depressed and almost died because of it?" I snapped, before progressing it. "Shit, sorry-"

"Harry, you need to calm down a bit, okay? You have six days to get ready for this, mentally." I heard him sigh faint in the background. "If you need help, just call, okay?"

"I will, uncle Simon."


Sandy's POV* 

"I can't believe it's already November." I mumbled to Sarah, looking up from the book I was currently reading. 'The Da Vinci code'. I had never really paid attention too, but turned out to be really good. 

"Speaking off..?"

"The fact that  it's less than two months until I get out." I mumbled. She dropped the book in her face, looking at me shocked. 

"You're getting out at Christmas?" She exclaimed, widening her eyes. I nodded happily, feeling the smile on my face grow. 

"They told me that yesterday."

"Even after..?" I nodded, and thought back to that day when I scratched myself until I was bleeding. 

"They told me that yesterday."

"They told me so too." She smiled, and closed the book, placing it in her lap. 

"Ooh my god that's great!" I squealed, and embraced her in a tight hug.

"You're strangling me." She laughed, making me let go with a pout on my lips. "I think I'm going to move to London, try to get a job and so." She mumbled. 

"You should do it!" I exclaimed. "Shit, that reminds me! I have to ask Harry if you can join for Christmas!"

"I though I told you I didn't-"

"Sarah!" I cut her off, placing my hand over her mouth. "You obviously won't celebrate with your family, and you're getting out from here on Christmas, meaning you will end up by yourself. I won't take a no, I'm going to ask him! He will say yes, and you will come and celebrate with us, and his family! It's only going to be us , his mum, step-dad, sister, and you. So don't you dare saying no!" I glared at her. She looked at me shocked, her mouth half opened.

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