Chapter 22

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Sandy's POV*

I widened my eyes when I heard the high pitch scream, only to hear my own name being called seconds later. Fear flashed as I witnessed the many girls looking at me with big eyes, all of them having their mobile phones in their hands, ready to take pictures. My hands started to shake gently as I watched the crowd grow. My phone and wallet was clasped tightly in my right hand, that was brought up to my mouth in utter shock.

The plastic bag I had gotten from the grocery store I just had came from was tightly held in my left hand, and the grip of it kept tightening.

As one girl called out my name, more girls appeared, making me more anxious than I already were. They gathered around me, and I could feel my legs tremble from all the looks I was getting, panic slowly creeping up on me. 

"Sandy!" One of the girls almost screamed, catching my attention. The girl looked like she was about to die as she snapped a photo of me, much to my disliking.

My breath hitched in my throat, making it feel as I was unable to breath at all, and my fingers tightened around my phone. 

"Please go." I whispered, closing my eyes to prevent tears from falling down my cheeks, knowing these pictures would be all over the internet in just a few minutes.

I shakily unlocked my phone, trying to not fall from the impact of the girls, and succeeded to call Harry, close to tears. I heard faint how the call got declined, and frowned. 

I brought my attention back to the crowd, and started to try to push me out. Multiply flashes came from their phones, some dazzling me. As I pushed through the many girls, I heard a few attempting to talk with me, but in my shocked, and panicking state, I wasn't able to answer them as I just tried to reach my goal; getting away from them. When the last girls were behind me, I sprinted away in the direction I came from, towards Harry's house. I didn't even dare to look behind me, scared they might have followed me. 

The adrenaline kick I had made me run until I saw the safety of Harry's house, but I frowned when I saw that his car weren't there. Sarah had been taken to the hospital, due to my worry over that she had stopped eating again. And that mean, that I were alone. 

When I had managed to get to the utter door, I fumbled with the keys until I could unlock the door, with difficulty since my hands were still shaking. When it was open, I hastily got inside, threw the door closed, and locked it. I sank down on the floor, with my back against the door, as I let go of the tears that had threatened to spill over all this time. 

I moved my knees so I was able to hug them with my arms, and rested my forehead against them as I cried, feeling the tears stain my pants jeans. 

I looked up and ran the back of my hand over my eyes in a try to dry the tears.

I slowly got up from my position, and moved myself in to the living room, before slumping down in the couch, inhaling a sharp breath.

A pillow was taken from the couch, and hugged tightly against my chest as new tears made themselves known, and the stream down my eyes continued.  I curled up in the couch, still hugging the pillow, as I took the remote from the small table in front of me, and started the TV. 

I kept flicking through the channels, not finding anything to watch, until I found a channel who showed the lion king. 

I watched the movie while crying, not only to the sad things in the movie. But at one point in it, I closed my eyes and just laid there on the couch, with stained cheeks, and a pillow hugged against my body as tight it could be. 

I listened to the sounds and talking from the TV, trying to visualizing it in my mind. 

However, my eyes opened when I heard keys scrambling, and the door being unlocked. 

I let go of my pillow quickly, and stumbled out in the hall, right into Harry's arms. I'm sure he was shocked by this; me stumbling into his arms, being a sobbing mess. But his arms just wrapped around me, and his right hand stroke me over my hair as he whispered comforting words into my ear. 

I buried my face against his chest, feeling desperate since the tears wouldn't stop. the shaking was back, and I didn't actually remember the last time this had happened me, the last time I loose control over myself. 

Softly, Harry rubbed over my back, and started to slowly move towards the living room, still holding me against him.

"Whatever happened, it's okay." He mumbled as he carefully showed my down to sit on the couch. "I'll just go remove my jacket." He pressed a kiss to my forehead before he left me. Not long after, he was back. 

I desperately tried to dry my tears until I felt Harry's hand showing my own away, only to take his own thumbs and gently dry them away. 

"We don't need to talk about it now, we can just lay down here, cuddle, and watch the movie." A small smile approached on my lips as I nodded faintly. He motioned for me to stand up, so he could lay down. I did so, and watched as he made himself comfortable, laying a pillow under his head. His arms stretched out towards me, his hands catching mine, as he pulled me towards him. I laid down on the big couch, with my head against his chest, resting on his muscular arm. His other arm wrapped around my stomach, and his fingers rubbed lightly over the textile of my shirt. "Go to sleep, love." 

I closed my eyes on his demand, and concentrated on the feeling when he rubbed my stomach slowly. I yawned, trying to hide it without success. Harry's chuckle made his chest vibrate, and a smile tugged on my lips. The tears were gone, and were replaced with safety. My hand found Harry's, the one that was placed onto my stomach, and brought it up to my face, allowing me to leave a small kiss on it. I intertwined our fingers, and he let them stay like that. 

When my mind finally had calmed down, and all I was aware of was Harry's heartbeats and the movie, the sleep slowly took my mind into drifting, and I fell asleep in his arms. 


An tighter update than usually! That deserves an vote! (; 

Okay, I watched City of bones yesterday, and asdfghjkl *-* Omfg it's so perfect and I just can't! I need to read the books, someone send them to me, pleaaase!

If you haven't seen it, I posted like a teaser for the story I've been working on, called 'Saviour' and I would love if you could check that out, and tell me what you think ^-^ As this story is coming to it's end, I'm starting on that! 

Happy new year, guys! May your 2014 be better than 2013! This year started better than last year for me thou ^-^ Something good at least! :3

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