Chapter 21

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Sandy's POV* 

"Please don't expect anything spectacular." I mumbled against Harry's neck as he took a hold on the small present, wrapped up in red and golden gift-wrap paper. "It's just something small." I sighed, remembering the day I had gotten it.

I had been out with Sarah, Harry had been on a quick interview, even if I disagree to the fact that they even exist. It took two hours, and they all called it short. Me myself thought of every possible way I would escape from such a thing. 

After almost three hours shopping, I was stressed out. I had yet to find something for Harry. Sarah kept suggest things, but I denied it all, not thinking he would want anything small and simple. And my phone had kept buzzing with texts from Harry, that was laying in Sarah's pocket to prevent me from checking the time, or call him. It wasn't until Sarah accepted a call from him that he was able to calm down.  Remembering the old days, he thought of the worst scenario possible. I don't blame him; if he just came out from a rehab I would be worried too. 

After they had talked for about ten minutes, those minutes containing Sarah trying to talk him out from coming and getting us, but never really telling what we were doing, they said goodbye and hung up. She had smiled reassuring towards me, and mumbled some curses over my possessive boyfriend. 

Nearly a hour after that call, we walked by a jewelry store. Long story short, after ten minutes I decided to get him  a chain in silver. Sarah looked exhausted after the long shopping trip we just had made, and after the chain was wrapped up, we hurried home.

"I mean, yeah, I hope you likes it." I whispered. We were surrounded by the faint talking from Harry's family, and the sound of paper getting ripped of presents. Me and Harry was sitting on the couch, me sitting on his lap. His present to me was placed onto my own lap, but I refused to open it before he had opened his. 

"You think I wouldn't like it?" I heard the amusement in his voice. Sarah chuckled at us, she was sitting beside us, watching us as we was in our little world.

"I don't know." I watched as his hands started to pull of the bow from it, and how he started to unwrap the present carefully. "Just don't, be disappointed."

"He'll love the present, Sandy." Sarah encouraged me, giving me a lightly show with her elbow.

"You know what it is?" 

"Yeah, she was there when I bought it." I chuckled, and leaned back against his chest. I looked over at Gemma, who talked happily with Rob. 

"You should open your gift." Harry mumbled. 

"You open your first." 

"No." I whined and looked back to his face. His eyes were focused on the present as he carefully ripped it open, not trying to break the paper. "I'll do it when you're done." When the paper was removed from the small box and it was open, revealing the silver chain, a smile formed on Harry's lips. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to buy you something?" I sighed, and watched as his hand held the chain.

"As hard as it was to find you something, probably." He smiled amused. 

"It was much easier finding Sarah's." I mumbled, and looked over to her, on her wrist where the bracelet was placed. She let out a laugh, shaking her head at us.  "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" She smiled big, and gave me a hug. 

"I'm glad you do!" I chuckled, and hugged her back. 

"I like my present to, where's my hug?" Harry mumbled. 

"I'm sitting on your lap, you can hug me whenever you want." I mumbled back. His arms wrapped around my stomach, and I was pressed closer to his chest. 

"Thank you." He whispered into my ear, and left a light kiss on my cheek. My cheeks heated up when I saw that Anne was looking at us with a smile, along with Gemma and Robin. Happiness in their eyes, and I answered their smiles with a faint smile. 

"So it's not too simple?" 

"It's perfect, babe. Now open yours!" I rolled my eyes, and picked up the small box from my lap. We had both agreed to one gift each, no more. I sighed as I started to pull on the paper, feeling how I got excited to see what it was, like a kid on Christmas. 

When I had successfully removed the paper, without tearing it too much, I looked up at Harry with a raised eyebrow. His smile was not something you would miss; the dimples showing and his eyes were shining with joy. 

"I thought we said one gift?" I mumbled, and looked back at the present. In it was a box, similar to the one I gave him, but slightly bigger, and a envelope attached to it.

"Yeah, it's combined." He rolled his eyes as if it was obvious, or should be at least. "Open it!" 

"Chill down, pretty boy." I mumbled as I opened the box, revealing a necklace; a golden one, with a small sparrow attached to it. A smile spread over my face as I ran my thumb over it, feeling the details against my skin. Harry's fingers took a hold of the ends of the necklace, and he brought it up to place it around my neck.

"Now the other." He mumbled in my hair. 

"I'm about to." I whined with a pout. "I'm just making it dramatic."

"You're doing such a good job."

"You're lucky I love you." I mumbled as I started to open the envelope. "What the..."

"Merry Christmas, babe." 

"I said no expensive." I cried out as I looked at the pieces of paper I held in my hand. Two tickets to France.

"See this as a vacation, that you get as a birthday present." He chuckled in my ear. "I've rented a house on the cost in Toulon."

"You what?" I looked at him dumb fooled, not really knowing how to response. 

"A week." His lips touched my cheek, and I widened my eyes. 

"My present seems kinda lame." 

"You're adorable." Harry chuckled in my ear. "I love you, Sands."

"I love you too." I whispered, and looked at the tickets with curiosity.

"You know..." Sarah started, catching everyone's attention. "I don't mind staying in this house, you know, to keep it safe, when you two are away." She looked at us with a innocently smile. Harry's family started to laugh at her,  and she looked pleased with herself for making them laugh. 

"I'll hire you to watch the house for sure." Harry joked.

"Sounds fine to me!" She laughed.

Later on, when Harry's family and Sarah had gone to sleep; we had insisted to them staying a few days ago, me and Harry was sitting in the living room while watching a movie, Finding Nemo. We was cuddled up under a blanket, and I used his chest as my pillow, something I usually did. 

He had convinced me, with his family watching us in awe, that we were going to France, much of the time containing him giving me his puppy eyes, small kisses, and tickling. Anne had been filming us, and put it up on her Instagram, making Harry's Twitter blow up with mentions about the cute moment. We watched it together later on, and during that my cheeks looked like apples, or like I had been out in the cold weather to take a walk. A lot teasing later, we had ended up watching this movie, that had nothing to do with Christmas whatsoever. But it was nice.

It was nice to relax during the late night with Harry, it was nice to be able to sit like this and just laugh at the silly movie with him. And it felt nice to have his arms around me like this, protectively around me. 


Merry Christmas people! It's tomorrow (or on Wednesday for some I guess!), and yeah, all my siblings are here ^-^

I'm sorry this took a month to write, but I was busy with school, my birthday came up, and my mum has been a pain in the ass... -.-''''' I hope you like it thou!

I hope to reach 4000 reach before next year starts! Do you think we can do it? :D I hope so! Let's do it!


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